
李佳慕 2024-09-28 03:52:45
8 mile 会战决赛=====8 mile freestyle pt.iii vs "papa doc" lyrics======== now everybody from the 313 put your mothefucking hands up and follow me everybody from the 313 put your mothefucking hands up look look now while he stands tough notice that th** man did not h**e h** hands up th** free world got you gassed up now who's afraid of the big bad wolf 1, 2, 3 and to the 4 1 pac, 2 pac, 3 pac, 4 4 pac, 3 pac, 2 pac, 1 you're pac, he's pac, no pacs; none th** guy aint no mother-fuckin mc, i know everything he's got to say against me, i am white, i am a fuckin bum, i do live in a trailer with my mom, my boy future ** an uncle tom. i do got a dumb friend named cheddar bob who shoots himself in the leg with h** own gun, i did get jumped by all 6 of you chumps and wink did fuck my girl, i'm still standin here screamin "fuck the free world!" don't ever try to judge me dude you don't know what the fuck i've been through but i know something about you you went to cranbrook, that's a private school what's the matter dawg? you embarrased? th** guy's a gangster, he's real name's clarence and clarence lives at home with both parents and clarence's parents h**e a real good marriage th** guy don't wanna battle, he's shook 'cause there no such things as half-way crooks he's scared to death he's scared to look in h** fuckin yearbook, fuck cranbrook fuck the beat, i go acapella fuck a papa doc, fuck a clock, fuck a trailer, fuck everybody fuck y'all if you doubt me i'm a piece of fucking white trash, i say it proudly and fuck th** battle, i don't wanna win, i'm outty, here, tell these people something they dont know about me. 现在每个来自313的朋友,把**的手都举起来,跟着我。 每个来自313的朋友,把你们他妈的手都举起来,跟着我。 好,看着吧! 他看起来是一流,可是他没有举起手。 自由世界可真是难对付,可谁又会害怕一群矮子呢。 1 2 3 4 1帕克 2帕克 3帕克 4 4帕克 3帕克 2帕克 1 你是帕克,他是帕克,根本就都不是。 他们根本就不是地道的mc! 我知道他要对我说的每一件事情! 我是个白人,我是个他妈的小混混 ,我也确实和我妈妈住在拖车里! 我的朋友“夫邱”有点像汤姆大叔, 我也有个傻乎乎的朋友叫言特.鲍勃! 是的,他向他的大腿开枪。 我说你们6个人怎么都哑巴了!(特指自由世界的人,一行7人,其中一个是女人) 是的,韦克干了我的女人! 但是我还要站在这里**们自由世界的人! 你不要随便评论别人! 你不知道我他妈的想什么? 但是我知道一些关于你的事情! 在上公立学校时有过不光彩的表现! 怎么了?老兄?你感到迷惑了吗?! 这家伙是帮派里的, 他和父母住在一起, 他们真的是有个很美满的婚姻。 他想去会战,他很清楚, 因为他知道这样的事情并不容易! 他看起来很害怕, 他的什么书? **的书! 操这个会战,我有很多朋友! 操爸爸道克(就是被他骂的那个黑人)操钟表 操拖车 操每个人 **们所有的人如果你们不相信我 我是他妈的一堆白色垃圾 如果你说崇拜我 操这个会战,我根本不想赢! 好了,在这你和大家说说一些关于我的他们不知道的事情! 20210311

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