
程小K 2024-09-27 20:10:34
the first day, we got to hong kong. the airport there was very large and internationalization. we went to the sea park in the afternoon, though there were many people, it was very interesting. after coming back from the sea park, we lived in a luxurious hotel, it was a five-star one! the first day was interesting, but the next three days were not so good.the second day, we went to the hong kong convention and exhibition centre.we took some photos before the statue of redbud flower. the centre was very beautiful and unforgettable. in the afternoon we went to a old church. it ** said that the church has been burnt three times! it ** hard to believe, right?the third day we got a free time. we went to the biggest shopping mall in hong kong, the harbour city. there are over one thousand shops! we spent whole day shopping there. i bought a pair of shoes. the shop ass**tant told me that the shoes couldn’t be bought in mainland. but when i first time tried them on, i found they were made in china!the last day, we went to ma**. i tried to enter the gambling house, but i failed. i don’t think ma** ** as interesting as hong kong, but the buildings there were really beautiful. 20210311

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