vb写邮编查询系统超简单啊,连数据库都可以不用,一个文本文件就够了。先准备一个文本文件 postcode.txt 内容如下100084,北京,海淀区,清华大学100086,北京,海淀区,学院路010010,**呼和浩特市,新城区,**……vb代码如下private sub from_load() form1.show:form1.autoredraw = true dim pc as string,s as string pc = inputbox("请输入邮政编码或者其它邮编信息") print "查询结果如下" open app.path & "\postcode.txt" for input as #1 do while not eof(1) line input #1,s if instr(s,pc)>0 then print "邮编信息:";s end if loop close #1end sub很简单吧,祝你学习愉快 :) 20210311
private sub form_click()print s(25, 10)print s(25, 50)'print s(25, 100) 这两行已经超出vb的计算能力了'print s(25, 200) vb只能处理32位的数值end subfunction s(x, n)for k = 1 to n t = 1 for i = 1 to 2 * k - 1 t...