campaign activity 竞选活动 例句:1.some politicians might still be struggling to figure out how to use the new tools, donehue said, but "if the politician ** where the people are, social networks are going to become the new hub of campaign activity." 也许有些**家还在努力找到如何使用新工具的方法,donehue说,但是“如果**家是在人们当中,社交网络将会成为竞选活动的中心。”2.the talks had been on hold since november 2005, with pyongyang refusing to attend because of a u.s. campaign to cut off its access to the international financial system due to alleged illegal activity. 六方会谈于2005年11月份因**拒绝参加而中断,**此举是因为美国指控**的非法活动而计划切断其与国际金融系统的联系。 20210311
crt(cathode ray tube)是阴极射线管。是应用较为广泛的一种显示技术。crt投影机把输入的信号源分解到r(红)、g(绿)b(蓝)三个crt管的荧光屏上,在高压作用下发光信号放大、会聚、在大屏幕上显示出彩色图像。 光学系统与crt管组成投影管,通常所说的三枪投影机就是由三个投影管组成的投影机。crt投影机显示的图像色彩丰富,还原性好,具有丰富的几何失真调整能力;缺点是亮度较低,操作...