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青年映画?小ss 2024-09-27 21:47:54
in china,as one of the industries that develop fastest,the realty business has been making great contributions to the increase of the national economy.however,after ten-year golden period,the realty business goes profiteering,especially controled by china,while ** once was the core industry which acted as an important part of china's national economic system.since the year 2010,many controlling policies h**e been put forward towards the realty industry.apart from the competitive pressure and the change of the environment,together with the global financial cr****'s bad effects on china's economy,cause by the american subprime mortgage cr****,the r**ks of th** industry become increasingly outstanding,when facing the macroeconomic environment,the leg**lative and policy environment,and the financial environment,etc.in th** case,to the real estate enterpr**es,how to effectively control and guard against the financial r**k has been becoming the problems badly in need of solution.by using the ways of the literature and h**tory analys**,together with large quantity of literature,the ** arranges and generalizes the former d**cussion about the financial r**k management of the real estate enterpr**e.and based on analyzing these theory,the ** gives the opinions towards the **'s topic selection.the ** ** of three parts.first of all,starting from the features of the real estate industry,the ** summarizes the expression form of its financial r**ks,and analyzes the reasons of these r**ks from two aspects,namely the systematicness and the unsystematicness.at last,the ** gives the measures of manage and guard against the r**ks from macroscopical and microcosmic aspects.keywords,industry features,expression form of the r**k,reasons of the r**k,measures of **oiding r**ks. 20210311

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