
Autism° 2024-12-01 17:36:34
from the concept of the governance structure of china l**ted companies, th** article analyses the current situation of the governance structure of china l**ted companies, and d**sects the ex**ting problems, namely the dominance share **sues, internal personnel control problems, the **sues of in-dependency of the board, the **sues of functional absence of the board of superv**ors, the **rmation d**closure anonymity problems, etc. at the same time, by making reference to the corporate governance mechan**m of other countries, thereby put forward a rationalized proposal to improve the regulation of the governance structure of china l**ted companies, namely: perfect the legal system of the governance structure of l**ted companies, optimize the ownership structure, improve the independent of the director system, improve the superv**ion and control mechan**m, implementation of stock option system, improve the **rmation d**closure system, etc. th** will help to improve the corporate governance structure of china l**ted companies, and help to lay a structural foundation for the enhancement of the quality of china l**ted companies. 20210311

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