
A浩然传媒 2024-09-28 04:33:06
。。。。。dumbledore backed out of the room, closed the door, and tookout h** wand to magically lock it. panicking, harry and hermioneran forward. dumbledore looked up, and a wide smile appeared underthe long silver mustache. "well?" he said quietly. "we did it!" said harry breathlessly. "sirius has gone,on buckbeak...." dumbledore beamed at them. "well done. i think --" he l**tened intently for any sound withinthe hospital wing. "yes, i think you've gone too -- get inside --i'll lock you in --" harry and hermione slipped back inside the dormitory. it wasempty except for ron, who was still lying motionless in the endbed. as the lock clicked behind them, harry and hermione creptback to their own beds, hermione tucking the time-turner back underher robes. a moment later, madam pomfrey came striding back out ofher office. "did i hear the headmaster le**ing? am i allowed to look aftermy patients now?" she was in a very bad mood. harry and hermione thought it best toaccept their chocolate quietly. madam pomfrey stood over them, makingsure they ate it. but harry could hardly swallow. he and hermionewere waiting, l**tening, their nerves jangling.... and then, asthey both took a fourth piece of chocolate from madam pomfrey, theyheard a d**tant roar of fury echoing from somewhere above them.... "what was that?" said madam pomfrey in alarm. now they could hear angry voices, growing louder andlouder. madam pomfrey was staring at the door. "really -- they'll wake everybody up! what do they thinkthey're doing?" harry was trying to hear what the voices were saying. they weredrawing nearer -- "he must h**e d**apparated, severus. we should h**e left somebodyin the room with him. when th** gets out --" "he didn't d**apparate!" snape roared, now very close athand. "you can't apparate or d**apparate inside th** castle! th** --has -- something -- to -- do -- with -- potter!" "severus -- be reasonable -- harry has been locked up --" bam. the door of the hospital wing burst open. fudge, snape, and dumbledore came striding into theward. dumbledore alone looked calm. indeed, he looked as thoughhe was quite enjoying himself. fudge appeared angry. but snape wa**eside himself. "out with it, potter!" he bellowed. "what did you do?" "professor snape!" shrieked madam pomfrey. "control yourself!" "see here, snape, be reasonable," said fudge. "th** door's beenlocked, we just saw --" "they helped him escape, i know it!" snape howled, pointingat harry and hermione. h** face was tw**ted; spit was flying from 20210311

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