求 美国食品安全法 执行年代
2024-12-01 01:41:03
都给出这么详细的说明了,只问执行年代?!我试试一、禽类产品检查法 (poultry products inspection act, ppia)poultry inspection began in 1926 on a voluntary bas**, and in 1957, congress passed the poultry products inspection act (ppia), (26) which establ**hed mandatory, continuous, daily inspection of poultry products.从上可看出,起草是在1926年,1957年国会立法。二、蛋类产品检查法 (egg products inspection act, eqpa)approved december 29, 1970.执行年代 1970年12月29日三、食品质量保护法 (food quality protection act, fqpa)the food quality protection act (fqpa), passed by congress in 1996, amends prior pesticide leg**lation to establ**h a more cons**tent, protective regulatory scheme, based on sound science. it mandates a single, health-based standard for all pesticides in all foods; provides special protections for infants and children; expedites approval of safer pesticides, and creates incentives for the development and maintenance of effective crop protection tools for american farmers. it also requires periodic re-evaluation of pesticide reg**trations and tolerances to ensure that the scientific data supporting pesticide reg**trations will remain up to date in the future.国会于1996年通过并执行。公共卫生服务法 (public health service act, phsa)u.s. public health service11-jul-2001美国公共卫生局(网)2001年7月1日执行 20210311