求高手翻译,不需逐字逐句可适当调整,口语化简单词就好,连接词尽量多一点 可再加分

一一大PP 2024-09-28 00:18:02
我帮你翻译。你给我点时间,然后分数要多加给我,呵呵 i h**e worked in one of the top three domestic future companies and done some research for a year. what i do at work ** collecting domestic and overseas industry data and related international news. besides, i build my own data model,write assessment and review and special study reports,so i h**e a better understanding of numbers. of course, the one percent inspiration ** very important to my work,however,the ninety-nine percent perspiration ** the key. since i started my work, i focus on the change of the domestic market during the day,and dow jones and nasdaq at night. during the work i h**e to d**tingu**h the various **rmation like free news website,expensive pay data providers, and 24 hours latest **rmation, which push me h**e to make a lot of choices. when the expansion of bas** ** higher than the h**torical levels, will it go long or short? when there ** some news from goldman sachs and morgan, ** the news true or false? because of the overtime writing reports and a lot of junk food taken late at night, i h**e gained 10 kilograms th** year.for me, the bigger pressures comes the bigger appetite, which ** a very bad habbit. but when i deal with the investment advice which maybe lead to a loss of customer's money, i h**e to find a way to releasing the pressure,so i choose to eat.for example ,before the national day th** year, a sharp turbulent international economic situation,the spread of european debt cr****,the downgrading of the major banks,and the bad news are contradict to the oversold bounce of the domestic bulk commodity,which ** a very tough choice. at last, i chose the short direction of the relatively small r**k return. and as expected, the results are sat**factory.however, no one can be lucky all the time. no matter what investment we make, we should set stopless point. and once we are in r**k,the immediate withdrawl ** the golden rules of investment.我翻译了半个小时呢,还审查了好几遍,呵呵,希望采纳,还有什么就百度hi我 20210311

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