
星婚 2024-09-28 00:55:58
pros-and-cons analys** on rmb internationalization (分析和研究就一回事,为避免冗长建议就用一个analys**)ever since the opening up and reform, china has seen rapid growth of economy and continuous r**e of international prestige. today, china has become the world's second largest economy following the us, which ** a strong foundation for the internationalization of rmb currency. the chinese ** has been implementing various measurements to promote th**, making it an upcoming trend as well as a global highlight.th** essay ** intended to give a picture of the context, conditions and status quo of rmb internationalization, followed by a brief analys** of possible pathways going ahead, with a focus on the pros and cons compar**on. a conclusion ** then sumed up based on the analys**, providing recommendations and possible means of undertakings(不太理解原文里为什么用“对策”这个词,建议改成"可能的实施手段”,如果坚持要用“对策”,翻译为countermeasures). it ** suggested that the impact of rmb internationalization to china be fully understood and most f**orable approaches be taken, making rmb a worldwide recognized currency in the nearest future possible. 20210311

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