
大湯 2024-09-27 23:15:45
olympic games and me i am looking forward the beijing olympics on 2008 very much. th** ** the opening ceremony of the beijing olympic games, and the day the world sports family gathering together, as well as the day chinese people are really proud of. as a small master, i really want to become an olympic volunteer, but i still too young to really become a volunteer. but i can still do something for the beijing olympic games. first of all, as a citizen of china, i will use my warm heart and smile to greet every foreign friend from all over the world, and to show off our chinese friendly and hospitable spirit so that every foreign friend will know the city by the faces. next, i want to learn engl**h harder so that during the olympics i could speak to foreign friends and community in engl**h, and do my best to help them, for example, be a little translator and to help foreigners when they ask way. let them know china by the beh**iors of us. again, i would like to learn more about beijing's olympic and for the future to our foreign friends knowing more about our beautiful beijing, as well as the long h**tory and culture, i would like to mobilize each and every one of my classmates, we will study engl**h more harder and to protect our environment for the beijing olympic games into a true "green olympics, people's olympics, hi-tech olympics" from ourselves and from now on. "one world, one dream," i hope my dream will become a reality.. 20210311

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