
?星星✔️ 2024-09-28 03:46:48
作个记号,以后再来,下面是电脑翻译的,参考3, the development trend recently the appearance which hatches the group ** a revolution of american incubator development to start an undertaking, it ** for meet the short demand of new developing cycle of enterpr**e of internet at first. the goal of th** kind of hatching group ** to create enterpr**es to develop into an influential big enterpr**e newly. it hatches restriction that the mode has broken through the traditional incubator, pass the alliance with r**k investment, become the investment subject of achieving enterpr**es newly, can h**e priority to buy the stock rights of tenant's enterpr**es , may even be in the position of controlling interest definitely. see and h**e very great expansion too from service content, begin to offer more overall and deeper management consulting service for enterpr**e, including marketing , competitive strategy analys** , enterpr**e's development strategy , brand are managed , such respects as the company manages the organization. h**e started an undertaking and hatched the group and merged many kinds of character**tics , such as traditional incubator , r**k investment and holding-operating ,etc., easy to attract arrive high-quality managerial talent, ** it hatch dynamics very strengthen to make, hatch within cycle shorten to half a year too, ** it create enterpr**e can adapt to keen competition place market of internet better fast newly to make. at present, many to hatch group begin to adopt the mode of chain operation , such new hatching mode gets extensive popularization. 20210311

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