2024-12-01 17:53:44
我是用google翻译的。建议你也可以。很方便的一个网站。。。“授之以鱼不如授之以渔”希望对你又帮助。o(∩_∩)o~2008 gdp at the national large and medium cities in the mainland ranks 4th in per capita gdp reached 13,153 u.s. dollars, and import and export volume ranks top cities. per capita gdp from 1979 606 yuan to 2008, 89.8 thousand yuan, an **erage annual increase of 18.8% growth rate ranks first in the country; local financial revenue in 1979 to 0.17 billion rmb to 2008 to 800 million and its financial strength. 27.4 million smes in shenzhen and 32.7 million employees of industrial and commercial households, accounting for 99.2% more than the city's total enterpr**es, and create the city's gdp, 65.2%, the contribution of tax revenue the city more than 60%, jobs, contributed nearly 87%; smes are also the main body of independent innovation in shenzhen, shenzhen, nearly 90% of the technological innovations come from small and medium enterpr**es. despite the economic developed, but the total number of enterpr**es, shenzhen, accounting for 99.2% of the financing of small and medium enterpr**es and individual industrial and commercial households to meet the rate ** less than 36%; national bureau of stat**tics data show that the first quarter of 2009, there ** a shortage of funds to enterpr**es accounted for 63.4%, in the event of a shortage of funds for smes, 72% of the enterpr**e fund shortfall has increased over the end of 2008. location: large commercial banks are not concerned about micro-finance ** aimed at: a local micro-enterpr**es, individual industrial and commercial households, farmers and other low-end customers support: daily consumption, management, business provides: deposit loans and other financial services shenzhen, the first approved by the ** in accordance with commercial principles of sustainability set up a pilot micro-credit institutions; micro-credit outlets in shenzhen city, the largest and best-quality credit institutions, there are more than 30 close to the customer's network, more than 90 days overdue loan ratio ** currently 1.6%; witnessed the country's reform and opening up 30 years of experience of business process from scratch, with private firm-specific rapid dec**ion-making capacity, sensitive market opportunities and the ability to grasp a deeper understanding of chinese institutions and national conditions, state-owned enterpr**es and foreign institutions useful supplement; a wealth of financial investment experience; as a household log**tics, real estate development, leading enterpr**es in the fields of aluminum, there ** a market appeal, can integrate upstream and downstream enterpr**e resources; outstanding contributions to the community in philanthropy. 20210311