
晴川 2024-09-28 03:54:51
xx liquor-making industry co., ltd, china's sichuan province.**四川xx酒业有限公司.酒业: wine;anheuser-buschwinespirits网络释义spirits:烈酒|精神|烈性酒kaoliang spirits:高粱酒d**tillate spirits:白酒|蒸馏酒|白酒 蒸馏酒alcoholic [,ælkə'hɔlik]网络释义alcoholic:含酒精的|醇的|酒精alcoholic extract:酒精提出物|乙醇**物|释义:酒精提取物alcoholic beverage:酒精饮料|含醇饮料|酒精性饮料liquor ['likə]n. 酒,含酒精饮料;溶液;液体;烈酒vi. 喝酒,灌酒vt. 使喝醉xx liquor-making industry co., ltd, china's sichuan province.**四川xx酒业有限公司鸿泰酒业: cnht wines联合酒业: united spirits欧格酒业: euro wine酒业集团: alcohol印象酒业: impression winery例句枣都酒业愿与您携手,共赢天下!jujube all liquor ** willing to join hands with you, win-win world!大文行酒业有限公司欢迎您!welcome to diamond hong, inc. !王玉华,成都金玉龙酒业有限公司董事长。wang yuhua, the chairman of ** jinyulong wine co. , ltd.也是不少知名品牌葡萄酒业的原料供应地。many are also well-known brands of wine industry raw materials suppliers.永富酒业集团将一直是您最好的澳洲葡萄酒专家。everw**e wine ltd will always be your best australian fine wine special**t.**英雄本色酒业公司是酒类产品专业营销公司。** ** the heroic qualities of alcoholic liquor products professional marketing company. xx liquor-making industry co., ltd, china's sichuan province.**四川xx酒业有限公司 20210311

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