楼上的吊。先从网上找到中文作文在用软件翻译成英文=也太诚恳了~ 吾辈在加拿大的大学学经济的。以下100%大脑工作: the financial cr**** we are experiencing right now ** extremely influential in various aspects.not only geographically influential,but also its level of seriousness.the reason for th** ** complex.ultimately,the **sues which caused the financial cr**** are a series of accumulation accumulated from previous years.the stocks and inflation in many areas h**e gone too high;the infamous bad debts in usa over the last years h**e dragged its banks into the bottomless abyss of bankrupting because of the unrecoverable cash flows;even the major american automobile companies announced that they are threatened and forced to go bankrupting;and many examples can be found everyday.among the **sues stated above,some are not as serious as others but they influence the whole globe,while the rest has their concentrated impact to devastate our economy.let us hope that the financial cr**** will le**e mercy to us. 以上150字。辛苦我了哈