commercial bank asset allocation in our proposed theoretical circle or a few years ago,and theoretical circles abroad h**e already experienced over the long course of evolution theory,but th** does not mean that china's banking industry practice of asset allocation does not ex**t,just as our for a long time to implement financial planning and management system of bank credit,which ** not conscious of the banks asset allocation as an economic theory to study.efficiency of commercial banks in the asset allocation process to pursue.efficiency performance of banks operating performance for the bank itself,** of the level of asset the long term,the development will ultimately depend on the efficiency of banks.for a long time,
formed under the traditional economic system of state-owned commercial banks,the quality and effectiveness of the wto after a he**y burden of constraining the competitiveness of the get rid of the plight of the state-owned commercial banks to improve their competitiveness,can only be achieved through its own reforms.therefore,the state-owned commercial banks optimal allocation of resources,the following aspects should be to reform state-owned commercial banks,one clear objective of resource allocation;second,a clear state-owned commercial banks should follow the principle of resource allocation;third ** to explore the optimization of resources,state-owned commercial banks configuration of focus;fourth,analys** of state-owned commercial banks,resource allocation adjustments.
key words:commercial banks;capital allocation;optimization approach">


  • 2024-06-17 14:49:50
  • 提问者: 负债人
匿名 2024-06-17 14:49:50
deng xiaoping has made it clear that"financial ** important,** the core of modern economy."good or bad the quality of financial operations,the level of efficiency,it ** important to the health of the entire national economy continued development.china's financial system,credit-based bank indirectly,that the dec**ion of the banking sector in particular,commercial banks in the important position of national economic system.the efficiency of asset allocation ** the level of commercial banks the key to survival and development.
commercial bank asset allocation in our proposed theoretical circle or a few years ago,and theoretical circles abroad h**e already experienced over the long course of evolution theory,but th** does not mean that china's banking industry practice of asset allocation does not ex**t,just as our for a long time to implement financial planning and management system of bank credit,which ** not conscious of the banks asset allocation as an economic theory to study.efficiency of commercial banks in the asset allocation process to pursue.efficiency performance of banks operating performance for the bank itself,** of the level of asset the long term,the development will ultimately depend on the efficiency of banks.for a long time,
formed under the traditional economic system of state-owned commercial banks,the quality and effectiveness of the wto after a he**y burden of constraining the competitiveness of the get rid of the plight of the state-owned commercial banks to improve their competitiveness,can only be achieved through its own reforms.therefore,the state-owned commercial banks optimal allocation of resources,the following aspects should be to reform state-owned commercial banks,one clear objective of resource allocation;second,a clear state-owned commercial banks should follow the principle of resource allocation;third ** to explore the optimization of resources,state-owned commercial banks configuration of focus;fourth,analys** of state-owned commercial banks,resource allocation adjustments.
key words:commercial banks;capital allocation;optimization approach





