上一届申请商学院专业硕士是需要gmat的,这一届学校取消了这一要求。http://www.mbs.ac.uk/special**t/apply/requirements.aspx 可能是由于招生数量不足的缘故吧。to be considered for our special**t masters programmes we look for good academic credentials-applicants should normally possess a 2:1 degree,or overseas equivalent.a relevant degree may be required. strong motivation and interest in the programme proof of language competence(if applicable) note:gmat ** not a mandatory requirement of adm**sion.if you h**e already taken the gmat,then do submit it if you feel it will support your application.商学院网站这里说得很明确。当然如果你自信可以考到680以上的分数,建议你考一下,这样可以帮助弥补本科成绩不好的缺点。