china's gdp was at 9 percent as a whole last year,but in the fourth quarter of 2008 we also had a big decline and it fell to 6.8 percent,"he said."our economy ** under increased downward pressures and all th** means that we are now facing great difficulties.
however,the premier said he still feels confident under such circumstances,adding that the belief in growth at"about 8 percent"** dependent on four factors,including correct,effective policy measures.
all of the measures the ** has adopted are aimed at boosting consumer spending and stimulating the real economy on which the cr**** has landed its major impact,wen said.
we must take forceful steps.under special circumstances,necessary and extraordinary measures are required,"he said."we should not be restricted by conventions.success or failure depends on the pace and intensity of those measures.
wen also rejected allegations that china ** manipulating its currency exchange rate,vowing to keep the renminbi at a reasonable and balanced level.
to allege that china ** manipulating its currency exchange rate ** completely unfounded,"he said.
he said that in the second half of 2005,china began to conduct reforms in its exchange rate regime.
with than three years of the reform,the renminbi has appreciated by 21 percent in actual terms against the u.s.dollar and 12 percent against the euro,"wen said.
to maintain the basic stability of the chinese rmb ** in the interest of not only china,but also the world economy,the premier said.
it ** in the interests of the efforts of the international community in overcoming the financial cr****,"wen said.
asked if china's 2-trillion-dollar reserve should be partly to blame for the financial cr****,wen said such a view **"ridiculous.
i think the reason for th** financial cr**** ** the imbalance of some economies themselves.they h**e for a long time had double deficits and they keep up a high level of consumption on the bas** of mass borrowing,"he said.
wen said china,as a big developing nation,needs a large pool of financial resources to achieve economic development and improve the people's livelihood.
i think that it ** confusing right and wrong when people who h**e been overspending blame those who lent them the money,"he said.
as for the economic recession in the united states,wen said china hopes for the turnaround,or the recovery,of the u.s.economy.
we believe that to maintain a stable international financial market ** in the interests of shoring up market confidence,overcoming the financial cr****,and facilitating early recovery of the international markets,"the premier said.
wen called for enhanced cooperation between china and the united states in face of the worsening financial cr****.
the priority of the two countries under the current circumstances should be wo**ng together to fight the financial cr**** and promote the constructive and cooperative bilateral relations,"he said.
wen said china wants to enhance cooperation with the united states to meet the financial cr**** together as that represents the larger interest and serves the fundamental purposes of both countries.
he also said the chinese ** looks forward to early contacts with the new u.s.** of president barack obama.
we believe that to maintain cooperation between china and the united states serves world peace,stability and prosperity,"the premier said.
the premier called on the u.s.** to view its relations with china from a long-term and strategic perspective.
i think the u.s.** has a dec**ive role to play in making the right dec**ions,"wen said.
on climate change,wen said china gives top priority to meeting the challenge.
wen said the chinese ** supports all measures that are playing roles in meeting the challenges of climate change and the development of a green economy.
we are of the view that to develop a green economy ** probably another area in the economy as we meet the international financial cr****,"he said.
the premier said china has establ**hed a national leadership group to tackle climate change and"i'm head of the group.
china has formulated a national program on coping with climate change,and not only ** it the first program of its kind for china,it ** also the first of its kind among all developing countries,wen said.
we will continue to make efforts on th** front and set targets for ourselves,"wen said."i think th** can be seen as a way that china ** holding itself accountable to the relevant targets.
wen arrived in london on saturday for a three-day official v**it.britain ** the last leg of h** week-long european tour,which began tuesday and has already taken him to switzerland,germany,the european union headquarters in brussels and spain.
between short 5 months,highly developed,per capita gdp of finance
exceeds the 60,000 u.s.dollar"he**en country"totally only when secondary one of 300,000 population icelands ** beautiful,become the country be on verge of go bankrupt,foreign debt increases sharply by,"financial cr**** sample book"that currency depreciates by large medium gibing at and sarca** let icelander feel humiliation composes in anger,but talk about future,icelander tells a reporter"global times","after adjusting step"",we return days back to happiness that can find a previously".economy breaks down in the twinkling of an eye the
wen arrived in london on saturday for a three-day official v**it.britain ** the last leg of h** week-long european tour,which began tuesday and has already taken him to switzerland,germany,the european union headquarters in brussels and cr**** outburst ** front,iceland welfare ** high,education ** good,scene ** beautiful,be a alluring he**en country.iceland gross domestic product ** that 18,100,000,000 u.s.dollar,gdp years grow by 2.6%in 2006,per capita gdp breaks 60,000 u.s.dollar,the place occupies the world 2007,iceland ** appointed as"the most proper habitancy"country once by united nations.f**hing except tradition job,icelander develops the finance job energetically,solicit a foreign partner,attract an offshore fund actively with open with controlling low high interest rate finance environment.thereupon,iceland ** by a leap become"the northern europe finance centre",100%provides a loan of the city buying a bridal chamber including iceland citizen from the bank.every big finance companies are called back a loan numerously and confusedly by financial cr**** effect,the world,iceland ** confronted with immediately going bankrupt cr****.at the beginning of last year,u.s.dollar and iceland krone price parity are 1:60,the end of the year ** controlled by 1:127 but,depreciate extent exceeding 100%.icelandic finance job foreign debt also exceeds 138,300,000,000 u.s.dollar,for gross domestic product almost seven times of 19,370,000,000 u.s.dollar,ample finance foreign debt makes iceland be caught unawares,aid but still ** of no help though h**ing got 2,100,000,000 u.s.dollar's from international monetary fund.per capita liabilities of public 440,000 the gr**e economic decline already lets the icelander's living standard straight line glide.iceland stock market ** called 2008 by every country medium play most bear market,the person ** accumulated since financial cr**** breaks out,falling exceeding 90%,77%'s painful dropping right away records the zeng you yi sky,many strands of people's assets come to naught.after three big banks collapse consecutively,the storm arrives at iceland rate of unemployment litre 18%,total unemployment reaches over 52,000 people.before **ug finance job white collar becomes unemployment allowance receival mostly now person,develops a chance only when the job and tour**t trade catching f**h can find.the iceland ** anticipates that homeland economy will shrink th** year on january 20 9.6%,counts but the data d**play most newly on the grounds of iceland,icelander minimum in january inv**ible income ** 130,000 iceland kronen(add up to 1100 u.s.dollar about),unemployment relief payment ** that 150,000 iceland kronen(add up to 1200 u.s.dollar about)but** unbalance ** extremely d**contented by h**ing the salary stratum,okka should protect a labor in reykj**ik ** called self right away"there being salary poor people",accusing a road:"come the country to provide for unemployed person h**ing gone bankrupt,why to wanting to dodge to person h**ing job paying great amount tax payment too?according to the stat**tics,cr**** already makes per capita debt due of iceland amount to 440,000 u.s.dollar.the entrance food being gazing at price soars in the supermarket,touches the krone losing value in the bag,icelander has to h**e spent the most"scotch"the birthday of jesus chr**t and new year with set teeth,some family even look on the ...">


  • 2024-06-22 04:00:55
  • 提问者: 负债人
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求 ****接受英国《金融时报》专访
chinese premier expresses confidence in weathering cr****,calls for cooperation
chinese premier wen jiabao(r)receives an interview by lionel barber,editor of the financial times,in london,britain,feb.1,2009.wen ** on a three-day official v**it to britain,the last leg of h** week-long european tour.(xinhua/yao dawei)
photo gallery>>>
london,feb.2(xinhua)-chinese premier wen jiabao said sunday that he ** confident china will weather the global economic cr****,calling for cooperation to tackle the financial storm.
the confidence comes from a correct judgment of the current situation,wen said in an interview with the financial times.
in addition,he said china has confidence because of its stable and sound financial market,broad market potential and leeway to deal with the cr****.
most importantly,wen told the news**,china has confidence that it will weather the financial storm because of the **'s swift and powerful measures to dec**ively deal with the situation.
wen also said he ** confident that china will maintain economic growth at"about 8 percent"th** year.
china's gdp was at 9 percent as a whole last year,but in the fourth quarter of 2008 we also had a big decline and it fell to 6.8 percent,"he said."our economy ** under increased downward pressures and all th** means that we are now facing great difficulties.
however,the premier said he still feels confident under such circumstances,adding that the belief in growth at"about 8 percent"** dependent on four factors,including correct,effective policy measures.
all of the measures the ** has adopted are aimed at boosting consumer spending and stimulating the real economy on which the cr**** has landed its major impact,wen said.
we must take forceful steps.under special circumstances,necessary and extraordinary measures are required,"he said."we should not be restricted by conventions.success or failure depends on the pace and intensity of those measures.
wen also rejected allegations that china ** manipulating its currency exchange rate,vowing to keep the renminbi at a reasonable and balanced level.
to allege that china ** manipulating its currency exchange rate ** completely unfounded,"he said.
he said that in the second half of 2005,china began to conduct reforms in its exchange rate regime.
with than three years of the reform,the renminbi has appreciated by 21 percent in actual terms against the u.s.dollar and 12 percent against the euro,"wen said.
to maintain the basic stability of the chinese rmb ** in the interest of not only china,but also the world economy,the premier said.
it ** in the interests of the efforts of the international community in overcoming the financial cr****,"wen said.
asked if china's 2-trillion-dollar reserve should be partly to blame for the financial cr****,wen said such a view **"ridiculous.
i think the reason for th** financial cr**** ** the imbalance of some economies themselves.they h**e for a long time had double deficits and they keep up a high level of consumption on the bas** of mass borrowing,"he said.
wen said china,as a big developing nation,needs a large pool of financial resources to achieve economic development and improve the people's livelihood.
i think that it ** confusing right and wrong when people who h**e been overspending blame those who lent them the money,"he said.
as for the economic recession in the united states,wen said china hopes for the turnaround,or the recovery,of the u.s.economy.
we believe that to maintain a stable international financial market ** in the interests of shoring up market confidence,overcoming the financial cr****,and facilitating early recovery of the international markets,"the premier said.
wen called for enhanced cooperation between china and the united states in face of the worsening financial cr****.
the priority of the two countries under the current circumstances should be wo**ng together to fight the financial cr**** and promote the constructive and cooperative bilateral relations,"he said.
wen said china wants to enhance cooperation with the united states to meet the financial cr**** together as that represents the larger interest and serves the fundamental purposes of both countries.
he also said the chinese ** looks forward to early contacts with the new u.s.** of president barack obama.
we believe that to maintain cooperation between china and the united states serves world peace,stability and prosperity,"the premier said.
the premier called on the u.s.** to view its relations with china from a long-term and strategic perspective.
i think the u.s.** has a dec**ive role to play in making the right dec**ions,"wen said.
on climate change,wen said china gives top priority to meeting the challenge.
wen said the chinese ** supports all measures that are playing roles in meeting the challenges of climate change and the development of a green economy.
we are of the view that to develop a green economy ** probably another area in the economy as we meet the international financial cr****,"he said.
the premier said china has establ**hed a national leadership group to tackle climate change and"i'm head of the group.
china has formulated a national program on coping with climate change,and not only ** it the first program of its kind for china,it ** also the first of its kind among all developing countries,wen said.
we will continue to make efforts on th** front and set targets for ourselves,"wen said."i think th** can be seen as a way that china ** holding itself accountable to the relevant targets.
wen arrived in london on saturday for a three-day official v**it.britain ** the last leg of h** week-long european tour,which began tuesday and has already taken him to switzerland,germany,the european union headquarters in brussels and spain.
between short 5 months,highly developed,per capita gdp of finance
exceeds the 60,000 u.s.dollar"he**en country"totally only when secondary one of 300,000 population icelands ** beautiful,become the country be on verge of go bankrupt,foreign debt increases sharply by,"financial cr**** sample book"that currency depreciates by large medium gibing at and sarca** let icelander feel humiliation composes in anger,but talk about future,icelander tells a reporter"global times","after adjusting step"",we return days back to happiness that can find a previously".economy breaks down in the twinkling of an eye the
wen arrived in london on saturday for a three-day official v**it.britain ** the last leg of h** week-long european tour,which began tuesday and has already taken him to switzerland,germany,the european union headquarters in brussels and cr**** outburst ** front,iceland welfare ** high,education ** good,scene ** beautiful,be a alluring he**en country.iceland gross domestic product ** that 18,100,000,000 u.s.dollar,gdp years grow by 2.6%in 2006,per capita gdp breaks 60,000 u.s.dollar,the place occupies the world 2007,iceland ** appointed as"the most proper habitancy"country once by united nations.f**hing except tradition job,icelander develops the finance job energetically,solicit a foreign partner,attract an offshore fund actively with open with controlling low high interest rate finance environment.thereupon,iceland ** by a leap become"the northern europe finance centre",100%provides a loan of the city buying a bridal chamber including iceland citizen from the bank.every big finance companies are called back a loan numerously and confusedly by financial cr**** effect,the world,iceland ** confronted with immediately going bankrupt cr****.at the beginning of last year,u.s.dollar and iceland krone price parity are 1:60,the end of the year ** controlled by 1:127 but,depreciate extent exceeding 100%.icelandic finance job foreign debt also exceeds 138,300,000,000 u.s.dollar,for gross domestic product almost seven times of 19,370,000,000 u.s.dollar,ample finance foreign debt makes iceland be caught unawares,aid but still ** of no help though h**ing got 2,100,000,000 u.s.dollar's from international monetary fund.per capita liabilities of public 440,000 the gr**e economic decline already lets the icelander's living standard straight line glide.iceland stock market ** called 2008 by every country medium play most bear market,the person ** accumulated since financial cr**** breaks out,falling exceeding 90%,77%'s painful dropping right away records the zeng you yi sky,many strands of people's assets come to naught.after three big banks collapse consecutively,the storm arrives at iceland rate of unemployment litre 18%,total unemployment reaches over 52,000 people.before **ug finance job white collar becomes unemployment allowance receival mostly now person,develops a chance only when the job and tour**t trade catching f**h can find.the iceland ** anticipates that homeland economy will shrink th** year on january 20 9.6%,counts but the data d**play most newly on the grounds of iceland,icelander minimum in january inv**ible income ** 130,000 iceland kronen(add up to 1100 u.s.dollar about),unemployment relief payment ** that 150,000 iceland kronen(add up to 1200 u.s.dollar about)but** unbalance ** extremely d**contented by h**ing the salary stratum,okka should protect a labor in reykj**ik ** called self right away"there being salary poor people",accusing a road:"come the country to provide for unemployed person h**ing gone bankrupt,why to wanting to dodge to person h**ing job paying great amount tax payment too?according to the stat**tics,cr**** already makes per capita debt due of iceland amount to 440,000 u.s.dollar.the entrance food being gazing at price soars in the supermarket,touches the krone losing value in the bag,icelander has to h**e spent the most"scotch"the birthday of jesus chr**t and new year with set teeth,some family even look on the ...





