偿债能力顾名思义是指公司清偿到期债务的能力,它是公司财务能力的一项重要内容。debt-paying ability,just as its name implies,** the ability of a corporation to pay for its due debts,which ** an important part of a firm's financial ability. 由于公司偿债能力的强弱,一方面关系到公司能否持续生存,另一方面又关系到公司债权人的债权保障程度和贷款风险。due to the otherness of enterpr**e's solvency,the pers**tent ex**tence of the enterpr**e ** one thing while the protection of company's creditors and credit r**k ** another. 因此,做好公司偿债能力分析,无论于公司还是于债权人均具有极其重要的意义。本文较为系统地研究了公司偿债能力及其评价的有关理论与方法,特别是对影响公司偿债能力的有关因素进行了深层次的分析和探讨。therefore,company's solvency analys** ** significant whether to the company or the creditor.in th** article,systematically analyzes the company's solvency as well as its relevant theory and methods,especially to put forward the deeper exploration and analys** of the factors that would influence the company's solvency. 请详阅译文,有问题可联系-