

  • 2024-06-14 16:03:57
  • 提问者: 负债人
匿名 2024-06-14 16:03:57
cfa是美国特许金融分析师(chartered financialanalyst)的缩写,cfa 自1963 年设立以来,就已经成为全球投资业里最为严格与含金量最高的资格认证,广泛授予投资领域内的专业人员,包括基金经理、证券分析师、财务总监、投资顾问、投资银行家、交易员等等。cfa要求它的持有人建立严格而广泛的金融知识体系,掌握金融投资行业各个核心领域理论与实践知识,包括从基础概念的掌握,到分析工具的运用,以及资产的分配和投资组合管理。从基础性的协会道德守则(一级重点)、统计学、宏观微观经济学、货币银行学、财务报表分析(一级和二级重点)、公司理财,到结合实务的股权估值(二级重点)、投资组合管理(**重点)、衍生品交易、另类投资。金融硕士专业学位项目主要培养具有坚实金融学理论基础和较高应用技能的专业人才,培养学生综合运用金融学、经济学、管理学、现代计量分析手段解决理论问题与实践问题的能力,使学生既了解国际金融业的前沿发展,又能密切联系**的实践,具备比较强的研究能力和创新潜力,可以适应金融管理部门、各类金融机构和研究机构的工作。2、两者对比
i.ethical and professional standards(**和职业标准)
a.professional standards of practice
b.ethical practices
ii.quantitative methods(定量方法)
a.time value of money
c.probability d**tributions and descriptive stat**tics
d.sampling and estimation
e.hypothes** testing
f.correlation analys** and regression
g.time-series analys**
h.simulation analys**
i.technical analys**
a.market forces of supply and demand
b.the firm and industry organization
c.measuring national income and growth
d.business cycles
e.the monetary system
g.international trade and capital flows
h.currency exchange rates
i.monetary and f**cal policy
j.economic growth and development
k.effects of ** regulation
l.impact of economic factors on investment markets
iv.financial reporting and analys**(财务报告与分析)
a.financial reporting system(with an emphas** on ifrs)
b.analys** of principal financial statements
c.financial reporting quality
d.analys** of inventories and long-lived assets
e.analys** of taxes
f.analys** of debt
g.analys** of off-balance-sheet assets and liabilities
h.analys** of pensions,stock compensation,and other employee benefits
i.analys** of inter-corporate investments
j.analys** of business combinations
k.analys** of global operations
l.ratio and financial analys**
v.corporate finance(企业融资)
a.corporate governance
b.dividend policy
c.capital investment dec**ions
d.business and financial r**k
e.capital structure dec**ions
f.wo**ng capital management
g.mergers and acqu**itions and corporate restructuring
vi.equity investments(股权投资)
a.types of equity securities and their character**tics
b.equity markets:character**tics and institutions
c.equity portfolio benchmarks
d.valuation of individual equity securities
e.fundamental analys**(sector,industry,company)
f.equity market valuation and return analys**
g.closely held companies and inactively traded securities
h.equity portfolio management strategies
vii.fixed income(固定收益产品)
a.types of fixed-income securities and their character**tics
b.fixed-income markets:character**tics&institutions
c.fixed income portfolio benchmarks
d.fixed-income valuation(sector,industry,company)and return analys**
e.term structure determination and yield spreads
f.analys** of interest rate r**k
g.analys** of credit r**k
h.valuing bonds with embedded options
i.structured products
j.fixed-income portfolio management strategies
a.types of derivative instruments and their character**tics
b.forward markets and valuation of forward contracts
c.futures markets and valuation of futures contracts
d.options markets and valuation of option contracts
e.swaps markets and valuation of swap contracts
f.credit derivatives markets and instruments
g.uses of derivatives in portfolio management
ix.alternative investments(另类投资)
a.types of alternative investments and their character**tics
b.real estate valuation
c.private equity/venture capital valuation
d.hedge fund strategies
e.d**tressed securities/bankruptcies
f.commodities and managed futures
g.alternative investment management strategies
x.portfolio management and wealth planning(投资组合管理和财富规划)
a.the investment policy statement
b.modern portfolio management concepts
c.beh**ioral finance
d.management of individual/family investor portfolios
e.management of institutional investor portfolios
f.investment manager selection
g.economic analys** and setting capital market expectations
h.tax efficiency strategies
i.asset allocation
j.portfolio construction and rev**ion
k.r**k management
l.execution of portfolio dec**ions(trading)
m.performance evaluation
n.presentation of performance results
cfa项目主要学习证券管理和金融分析,在这些领域要比金融硕士更专业与深入,在其它领域就要差一些。一些大学的金融硕士根据cfa考试的内容与时间进行安排,一些大学的金融硕士项目干脆就定为金融分析专业。另有**某大学国际银行与金融专业硕士,边上课边考cfa level 1,把cfa level 1 和金融专业硕士课程做个对比,可以看出两者的确有一部分是重合的,大家可以参考。cfa level 1:
topic 1:ethical and professional standards
topic 2:quantitative methods
topic4:financial reporting and analys**
topic5:corporate finance
topic6:portfolio management
topic7:equity investment
topic8:fixed income investments
topic10:alternative investments
master of international banking and finance:
term 1:
corporate finance
international macroeconomics
investment theory and applications
multinational financial management
financial econometrics
financial institutions on the chinese mainland and in hong kong
management of banks and financial institutions
international money and finance
accounting for financial professionals
term 2:
microeconomics of banking
derivatives and r**k management
business valuation and financial statement analys**
globalization and financial market development
credit r**k management
fixed-income securities
comparative development of international financial centers
legal **sues in the regulation and compliance of financial and banking institutions





