check the pice of h expess via its official we site taxi could e moe expensive, ut it depends on whee exactly you want to go. please note that it ** usually mo e expensive to use a taxi at night, o on a pulic holiday. 20210311
公交线路:1.从火车站乘坐大王滩专线经过1站,在南建五一立交下车,约步行52.0米到南建五一立交, 乘坐301路经过18站,在吴圩机场下车。2.在火车站附近的民航大厦,大约10分钟,坐机场大巴,15元一个人,大约50分钟就能到机场。扩展资料南宁吴圩国际机场(nanning wuxu international airport,i**:zgnn;iata:nng)简称吴圩机场,位于南宁市江南区,19...