
欧式皇.全屋整装 2024-06-26 12:19:55
ma liang and the magic paint brush
th** ** a story from china about a boy and a magic paint brush that makes everything he draws come to life!once upon a time in china,there was a boy named ma liang.
ma liang's parents had died early so the boy had to support himself by chopping wood and cutting grass.the boy loved painting but he was so poor he could not afford to buy a paint brush!one day,ma liang walked past a school and saw a teacher painting with a brush.without thinking,ma liang walked into the classroom and asked the teacher:“i want to learn painting.can i borrow a paint brush from you?the teacher glared at the shabby boy and sneered:“what?a poor kid like you wants to learn to paint?you must be daydreaming!get out of my sight!quietly,ma liang walked away.he had just been snubbed by an adult but he remained composed and calm.in h** mind he was thinking:“i just don't believe a poor child ** not good enough to learn painting.”
the boy made up h** mind to learn to paint by himself.
a boy learns to paint
when he chopped wood in the forest he would draw a bird in the sand with a branch.
when he was cut grass by the river,he would dip a grass reed in water and trace a f**h on the rocks.
at night,when he returned to the c**e which he called home,he would use a stick of charcoal to sketch on the wall everything he had drawn during the day.
year after year ma liang practiced never m**sing a day.he drew everywhere he went using anything he could find.if he wasnot actually drawing something he was drawing it in h** mind.every inch of h** c**e wall was covered with paintings.
even though he still didn’t h**e a paint brush ma liang had developed some amazing skills.
when he drew a hen on the ground of h** village entrance,eagles hovered above.
when he drew a black wolf at the back of the mountain,cows and sheep stayed away in fear.
“it would be great to h**e a paint brush.”ma liang said to himself everyday.
a w**h come true
one night,feeling very tired,ma liang fell asleep while painting.suddenly,there appeared rays of colorful,brilliant light.an old man with a very long white beard walked out of the light and handed ma liang a paint brush.
“th** ** a magic paint brush,use it well.”said the old man whose beard was so long it stretched to the floor.
ma liang was overcome with joy.the paint brush felt he**y in h** hand and it shimmered with golden light.
before ma liang could thank the old man,he had d**apperared just as suddenly as he had appeared.
a surpr**ed ma liang awoke from h** sleep.what a fantastic dream!but it could not h**e been a dream since he was still holding tightly to the paint brush.
ma liang drew a bird with the brush.the bird flapped its wings and flew into the sky.
he then painted a f**h.the f**h wiggled its tail,leapt into the air and into a river ma liang had drawn and swam away.
ma liang was ecstatic.the old man was right.th** was indeed a magic paint brush!each day,with paint brush in hand,the kind-hearted ma liang helped the poor people in h** village.
he painted a cow for the family that needed a cow,a stone mill for the family who wanted a stone mill,and a waterwheel for the family who didn’t h**e a waterwheel.
very soon,news about ma liang's magic paint brush spread to a wealthy local landlord.
the greedy landlord sent two of h** bodyguards to bring ma liang to him and made the boy draw gold coins and ingots.but ma liang was a tough kid and no matter how the landlord threatened or beguiled him,he refused to obey the landlord.
angry but out of ideas,the landlord ordered ma liang to be locked in a stable and not given any food and water.it was thedead of winter and outside the stable the snow was several feet thick.the landlord thought it was just a matter of time before ma liang g**e in to the cold and hunger.
but what a surpr**e awaited the landlord two days later when he approached the stable!through the doorway he could see a bright red light and **ell delicious food.curious,he looked inside the stable.a cheerful ma liang was eating piping-hot chinese pancakes and cooking a pot of stew over a fire!the landlord knew ma liang had drawn the food and fire with the magic paint brush.livid,he ordered h** henchmen to kill the boy and grab the magic paint brush.
a great escape
when a dozen men rushed into the stable ma liang was nowhere to be found!with the magic paint brush he had drawn a ladder and escaped over the eastern wall.the landlord and h** men followed up the ladder but they had climbed no than a few rungs before the ladder van**hed and they all came crashing down.
they could hear ma liang laughing outside the stable!ma liang got on a gallant white horse he had drawn and started riding for the next village.before long,he heard horse hoofs behind him.the landlord and a dozen men were chasing him on horseback and w**ing shining blades.they were closing in fast.
calmly ma liang drew a bow and arrow with the magic paint brush.he stretched the stiff bow and aimed the arrow at the landlord.ping!went the arrow and struck the landlord right in the throat.the landlord fell off h** horse.ma liang took the chance to gallop away.
after riding non-stop for a few days,ma liang finally arrived at the next village.
after riding non-stop for a few days,ma liang finally arrived at the next village.he decided to start life anew at th** village.
ma liang painted many works and sold them on the street,but every animal drawn was either without lips or with a leg broken.
he didn't want the animals to come to life.he was afraid to let people know about the magic paint brush.
one day,he painted a white crane without eyes.in a moment of carelessness,a drop of ink landed on the crane's face.magically,the white crane opened her eyes flapped her wings and flew into the sky.
th** created a great commotion in the village and before long everyone got wind about the young boy and h** magic paint brush.
local officials immediately reported th**"strange happening"to the emperor.the emperor **sued an edict for ma liang to appear before him and d**patched h** guards to escort the young boy.an unwilling ma liang was brought by force to the emperor's palace.
ma liang had heard many stories about the emperor bullying the common poor people.in h** heart ma liang hated the emperor and he thought,"i will never paint anything the emperor wants!when the emperor instructed ma liang to draw a dragon,he drew a big house-lizard;he painted a crow when the emperor ordered a phoenix.
these two ugly creatures fought each other and made a big mess in the palace hall.
enraged,the emperor ordered h** guards to take away ma liang's magic paint brush and throw young boy in pr**on.
the money tree
now the magic paint brush was in the gleeful emperor's hands.
first he drew a mountain made of gold.then he drew a second one,followed by a third and on and on.he painted one gold mountain on top of another.
finally sat**fied the greedy emperor stood back to look at h** mountains of gold.
there weren't any mountains of gold-only piles and piles of huge rocks!suddenly,the rocks tumbled down and nearly crushed the emperor's feet!undeterred,the emperor started drawing gold bricks.one by one he painted the gold bricks.
but he felt the gold bricks were too **all.so he drew a vey big and long gold brick thatfilled the wall.
before the emperor could fin**h,the painting came to life in the form of a huge and long python!the hungry giant reptile opened its massive jaws and pounced at the emperor.luckily,the emperor's bodyguards s**ed him from the man-eating creature in the nick of time.
not ready to give up,the emperor ordered ma liang to be set free.
in a kind and gentle voice,the emperor told the young painter the princess would marry him and he would be made a prince if he agreed to paint what the emperor asked.
ma liang pretended to agree-all he wanted was to get back h** magic paint brush.
the happy emperor g**e the magic paint brush back to ma liang and asked him to draw a money tree.when shaken,gold coins would drop from the money tree.
ma liang ra**ed h** brush and w**ed it left and right.a blue ocean appeared before him.therewas not a single ripple on the water and the sea shone brilliantly like an endless jade mirror.
the angry emperor shouted:"i want you to draw a money tree and you give me the sea!ma liang drew an **land in the middle of the ocean and on the **land,a tall and big tree.
**n't that the money tree you wanted?ma liang asked the emperor.
the ending
the emperor laughed."quick draw me a boat.i want to shake the money tree."he said hurriedly.
so ma liang drew a big wooden boat and the emperor and all h** guards boarded the boat.
ma liang painted some **all ripples on the water and the boat started out slowly towards the **land.
faster!faster!the emperor shouted.
so ma liang sketched a few broad strokes in the air.
immediately huge gusts of wind started blowing.the masts caught the wind and the boatsurged forward in the sea.
wind!wind!the emperor demanded.
so ma liang added strokes to the wind.
the boat masts caught the wind fully and the wooden boat sailed ahead at full speed.
now the w**es were getting bigger and bigger.the boat was being tossed about in thechoppy waters.
enough!enough!the fightened emperor w**ed h** hands at ma liang to stop.
ma liang pretended not to see and added wind.w**es many feet high slammed againstthe boat and drenched everyone on board.
stop drawing!the boat ** sinking."the emperor's hysterical voice was drowned by the roaring w**es and the shouts of panic on board the boat.
ma liang continued drawing.h** paint brush whipped up a thunderstorm.walls of w**es **ashed intothe ship amidst horrific thunder and lightning.
the w**es finally broke the boat and sank it.... 20210311

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