一价格:途中分别是从素万那普和廊曼机场以及市内到达芭提雅的大巴的价格和时刻表: 二地点: 官方对问题的回复: q:how long does the ride take?a:2 hours from/to the airport and 3 from/to the city.耗时2-3小时 q:does the bus h**e toilets?a:yes,there are toilets on board.车上有厕所 a:can the bus pick me up from my hotel?q:the bus can pick up from your hotel in pattaya and from the hotel in bangkok if you choose the transfer from the city.从芭提雅出发的话可以酒店接送,曼谷不可以。q:who operates the bus?a:the bus ** booked by naga tr**el and bell tr**el services. q:can i change my booking later?a:you can change the tickets up to 48 hours in advance,and cancel up to 72 hours in advance.48小时外可以改预 20210311