the pot shall contain,venomous snakes and scorpion.jelly f**h,and cat doo.(cat doo 是猫屎的意思)of course we should add mud from the mountain,the algae from the fountain,and the hearts of the mighty lion.deep fried clams and chocolate too.well,everyone would add the cute little kittenand a millionsticky,jelly-like goo.stir it,and mix it,with a dried stick from a treeand you can make a cup for three!像这样?呵呵~ 20210311
daniel wellington,以下简称为“dw”。dw手表的slogan并不是你在国内常常看到的什么“一条尼龙表带走天下的dw手表”,也并不是“全球最热的时尚腕表”。如果你连dw的slogan都没弄清楚,就跟着dw手表**区总代理的口号走,那你就是被潮流牵着走的那一位,因为你并不了解这一个品牌。只是看到别人有,也要有,跟着撞表罢了。dw的slogan“我们的手表来自‘上层阶级’手表的设计灵感...