帮我译成英文 但是不要有道翻译的 谢啦
2024-12-23 07:00:31
the largest character of knowledge economic era ** the formation of manpower resource concept,where labor has agian exceeded capital to become the main source of incremental value.being enterpr**es' core competitiveness,the incremental value of human capital ** the main source of an enterpr**e's effectiveness.only by emphasizing on employees' training and increasing various investment into training,can a company create advantages,keep strength,and better achieve a company's develoment goals.th** **,taking employees' training in s company as an actual example,conducts research by combining theory and practice and by combining qualitative and quantitative analys**,in order to get a rational,actual and subjective conclusion.finally,th** ** elaberately introduces the application of new technology to employees' training,and forcasts the future development of employees' training in china's enterpr**es. 20210311