纯手工打造 june 17,2011,rmb to usd exchange rate reached 6.4716,creating a record high since currency reform.rmb has r**ed by 5.2%against usd after the currency reform a year ago,and 21.8%after currency re...
不是英语协会的么。。。1. intern-ship in wuhan bank (银行准确名字请自己添), mainly engaged in sales and financial ass**tant2. intern-ship in (农村信用合作社), familiar**ed with the business process and learned how to communicate ...
非常同意!没事这么长干什么啊~t^t我几乎翻到我**orz(术语太多了tat)带问号的都是我不太肯定的说法,楼主你……批判地看吧……还有那个private equity我都不知道该是“私人直接投资”还是“非上市公司股权”……找到的资料在这里->我不是学经济的555555555555at first glance, india might not seem the safer bet, wit...
有人担心,近日在温州爆发的民间借贷危机有可能产生“多米诺骨牌”效应,甚至可能演变成为**式的“信贷危机”。【일부 사람들은 최근에 온주(원즈우)의 민간 대출위기가 가능하게 도미노 (효과)반응이 일으날 수 있다고 우려하고 있다.심지어 중국식 <신용대출 위기>로 변하지 않겠는가 근심하고 있다.】对此权威专家做了详尽的分析。【이점에 대해 전문가들은 모든 힘을 기울려 ...
2,expenditure of foreign exchange to the company planned and actual investment income from production and operation efficiency identified. 3,the net profit on foreign exchange investment recovery proj...