bell the cat 是什么意思啊

三流之路 2024-06-02 14:28:18
bell the catkk: [ ]dj: [ ]1. 为别人冒险all the workers agreed that they wanted a pay increase, but nobody offered to bell the cat and talked to their employer.所有的工人都要加薪,但却没告奋勇去跟老板谈。bell the cat bell the cat, 谁去给猫脖子上系铃铛呢?要弄清条短语所表达的含义,还需从一条古寓言说起。猫以鼠为食,是老鼠最危险的敌人。因此老鼠整日在猫的威胁下生活,惶惶不可终日,随时都有被吞吃的危险。为此鼠王要求老鼠想出一个可靠的防范措施。一只鼠对大家说,我们可以在猫的项下挂一铜铃。铃声一响,大家就可以躲避起来。老鼠们拍手称赞。可是,这时有一只老鼠站了起来不紧不慢地问:“那么谁去给猫挂这只铃呢?”听到这句话,老鼠们的高兴劲顿时不见了,大家都缄默了。根据这一寓言,就产生了 bell the cat,不用说,敢于去“给猫挂铃”,肯定是要“为别人承担危险,挺身而出”的。这是一条动词短语,可用作谓语动词,是一种比喻的说法。比如都不愿做周末作业,但是谁肯站出来向老师提出来呢?"down with the weekend homework!"shouted all the boys. however, none of them dared to bell the cat and say that to the teacher.大家都想加薪,但谁肯承担这个风险去向老板提出来呢?all the men agreed that they wanted a pay increase, but nobody offered to bell the cat and ask their employer for the money. 20210311

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