
A 年轻。 2024-06-21 14:06:30
in the **rmation technology, the development of increasingly today, with the audited work unit of the environment which increasingly network and **rmation, and the constant change of the audit environment, development, make r**k-oriented audit in orientation, audit objects and methods h**e a many changes. **rmation environment audit guide model was tested for electronic data center, in the evaluation of material m**statement r**k the r**k ** to focus on the modern guidance mode. and modern r**k-oriented audit ** a strategic concept and system guide view material m**statement r**k assessment and the audit process, its core ideas can be summarized as: audit r**ks mainly comes from the enterpr**e financial report material m**statement r**k, and m**statement r**k mainly comes from the whole the management r**k of the enterpr**e and fraud r**k. therefore, the auditor from enterpr**e strategy must be analyzed, and process analys**, and fully identification enterpr**e internal and external r**k and understand internal and external r**k to the financial statements that influence, and with the audited work unit business r**k (including strategic management r**k and process management r**k) as the guidance. under the environment of **rmation r**k-oriented audit will be audit unit in broad economic system, the audit need to think effective enterpr**e in the macro social economic environment and industry environment, objectives and strategies, realize the goal of enterpr**e's main business activities and key business links and residual r**k for the thorough understanding. 20210311

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