
Devin 2024-06-09 17:46:50
murakami harukimurakami was born in kyoto in 1949 but spent most of h** youth in kobe. h** father was the son of a buddh**t priest; h** mother was the daughter of an osaka merchant. both taught japanese literature.since childhood, murakami has been he**ily influenced by western culture, particularly western music and literature. he grew up reading a range of works by american writers such as kurt vonnegut and richard brautigan, and he ** often d**tingu**hed from other japanese writers for h** western influences.murakami studied theater arts at waseda university in tokyo, where he met h** wife, yoko. h** first job was in a record store, which ** where one of h** main characters, toru watanabe from norwegian wood, works. shortly before fin**hing h** studies, murakami opened the jazz bar "peter cat" in kokubunji, tokyo,which he ran from 1974 until 1982. many of h** novels h**e musical themes and titles referring to classical music for example, the three books cons**ting the wind-up bird chronicle: the thieving magpie (after rossini's orchestral overture), bird as prophet (after a piano piece by robert schumann), and the bird-catcher (a protagon**t in mozart's opera the magic flute). some of h** novels are named after songs: dance, dance, dance (from the steve miller band), norwegian wood (after the beatles' song) and south of the border, west of the sun (the first part being the title of a song by nat king cole). 20210311

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