exposure [ɪk'spəʊʒə; ek-] 详细»n. 暴露;曝光;揭露;陈列exposure /ɪkˈspəʊʒə/ cet4 tem41.n-uncount exposureto something dangerous means being in a situation where it might affect you. 暴露例:exposure to lead ** known to damage the brains of young children.已知接触铅会损害幼童的大脑。2.n-uncount exposure ** the harmful effect on your body caused by very cold weather. 受冻例:he was suffering from exposure and shock but h** condition was said to be stable.他受冻休克,但他的状态据说很稳定。3.n-uncount the exposure of a well-known person ** the revealing of the fact that they are bad or immoral in some way. 揭发例:he undertook increasingly dangerous assignments until h** exposure as a spy.在间谍身份暴露之前他一直从事日益危险的任务。4.n-uncount exposure ** publicity that a person, company, or product receives. 宣传例:all the candidates h**e been getting an enormous amount of exposure on telev**ion and in the press.所有候选人都在争取大量的电视和新闻媒体宣传。5.n-count in photography, an exposure ** a single photograph. 底片例:larger drawings tend to require two or three exposures to cover them.较大的图画需要两到三张底片来覆盖。 20210311