论我国**产业发展模式 英文摘要

Sherry?^_^ 2024-06-23 10:18:01
the commercial bank ** the modern market economy the main body of the financial system, in a state of the economy ** playing an important role in. since reforming and opening, our country commercial bank the amount increases ceaselessly, dimensions expands ceaselessly. after joining the wto, china's financial sector reform and opening up of the breadth and depth of a qualitative change, th** gives our country commercial bank offers to accelerate development and the participation international competition good opportunity, also brought bigger challenge. in order to deal with the competition from home and abroad challenges, commercial bank has a shareholding system reform, build a standardized corporate governance structure, the introduction of advanced commercial bank operation and management philosophy, to narrow the d**parity with the international advanced banks, enhance core competitiveness and laid a solid foundation. at the same time, the **rmation technology to promote the development of the commercial bank's financial product innovation and the change of management environment, along with the new business and new products and the emergence of traditional business and product transformation, commercial banking business domain widens ceaselessly, increasing business varieties, expanding service function, banking intelligence concentrated model the feature ** more and more apparent the new trend of development of commercial banks, to the quality of personnel ra**ed taller requirement. the competition of the commercial bank ** embodied in products, services and competitive ability of res**ting r**k, competition among commercial banks in the final analys** ** the competition for talented people. th** ** explores the development of china's credit card business problems, such as the target market, r**k management, human resources management **sues such as. pointed out that china's credit card business development to h**e a good development environment, in a timely manner to change management mechan**m, change management idea; the chinese credit card business has a benign cycle of development. 20210311

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