the industry ** an ancient industries,and the banking,securities and insurance for the financial sector as 4 pillar.under the new situation of economic globalization and the wto,the financial industry...
february 15,2006,china's min**try of finance official promulgation of a new corporate accounting standards,and january 1,2007 onwards in l**ted companies implemented,th** signifies that china's accoun...
要感谢!insurance law of the people's republic of china:article insurance contract shall principally include:(1)name and address of the insurer;(2)name and address of the applicant and the ins.
4 有助于出口型中小企业提高国际竞争能力和抗风险能力.be helpful to exporting smes to ra**e international competitiveness and r**k-res**ting ability首先,人民币升值,降低了企业能源和原材料的进口成本.first,.
**对文化产业的财政扶植力度不断加强。정부의 문화산업에 대한 재정육성역량이 부단히 강화되고 있다. 韩国**对文化产业的财政支持力度逐年加大,在2000年文化事业财政预算首次突破**总预算的1%,文化产业预算由1998年的168亿元增加到2003年的1878亿元,占文化事业总预算的比例由3.5%增长到约17.9%...
안녕하세요 김성진 대리님/박정아 주임님.你 金成镇代理/朴情我主任지난 토요일 저녁 아래 추가 원단 공장 입고 되었고,,上周六晚上,下追加材料工厂已经入库了 green color 부터 검사 진행 하였습니다.从开始进行检验了 지난번과 같은 불량이 또 나오고 있고.. 당장 재단을 진행 해야 할지 cfm 부탁 드립니다.出现跟上次同样的不良品、、不知道要不要马上裁剪 拜托cfm...