
太原爵士舞街舞-Nicole 2024-09-23 01:57:53
seroprevalence of toxoplasma gondii infection in dairy cattle, in jinzhou, northeastern china 作者: bao, m (bao, m.)1; tian, ym (tian, y. m.)2,3; zhou, dh (zhou, d. h.)2; xu, mj (xu, m. j.)2; wu, sm (wu, s. m.)2,3; wang, sd (wang, s. d.)1; tang, f (tang, f.)1; qu, ld (qu, l. d.)1; song, hq (song, h. q.)2 来源出版物: african journal of microbiology research 卷: 6 期: 17 页: 3932-3935 doi: 10.5897/ajmr12.277 出版年: may 9 2012 被引频次: 0 (来自 web of science) 引用的参考文献: 19 [ 查看 related records ] 引证关系图 摘要: the seroprevalence of toxoplasma gondii infection in dairy cattle was surveyed in jinzhou city, northwestern china, between september and october 2011. in total, 350 serum samples were collected from 5 holstein dairy cattle farms located in jinzhou. antibodies to t. gondii were found in 24 (6.86%) of 350 dairy cattle using indirect hemagglutination (iha) test, with titers of 1:64 in 22, and 1:256 in 2 dairy cattle. seropositive dairy cattle were found in four of five survey locations, and the seroprevalence of t. gondii infection ranged from 0 to 13.51%, but the difference was not stat**tically significant (p > 0.05). the correlation between seroprevalence and number of pregnancies was also analyzed, and the dairy cattle that had one birth, had the highest seroprevalence of t. gondii (12.12%), followed by dairy cattle with two and three pregnancies, 8.72 and 3.50%, respectively. however, the seroprevalence in the dairy cattle that had given one birth (12.12%) was significantly higher than that in cattle with 3 pregnancies (3.50%) (p < 0.05). the present study indicated a high seroprevalence of t. gondii in dairy cattle in jinzhou, northeastern china, which may cause significant economic losses to the local milk industry, and poses a potential threat to human health. therefore, comprehensive practical control strategies and measures should be recommended to prevent and control t. gondii infection in dairy cattle in th** region. 入藏号: wos:000307402600014 文献类型: article 语种: engl**h 作者关键词: toxoplasma gondii; toxoplasmos**; dairy cattle; indirect hemagglutination test (iha); seroprevalence; jinzhou; northeastern china keywords plus: neospora-caninum; humans 通讯作者地址: bao, m (通讯作者),liaoning med univ, coll anim sci & vet med, dept parasitol, jinzhou 121000, liaoning provin, peoples r china. 地址: 1. liaoning med univ, coll anim sci & vet med, dept parasitol, jinzhou 121000, liaoning provin, peoples r china 2. chinese acad agr sci, lanzhou vet res inst, state key lab vet etiol biol, key lab vet parasitol gansu prov, lanzhou 730046, gansu, peoples r china 3. s china agr univ, coll vet med, guangzhou 510642, guangdong, peoples r china 基金资助致谢: 基金资助机构 授权号 open funds of the state key laboratory of veterinary etiological biology, lanzhou veterinary research institute, chinese academy of agricultural sciences sklveb2010kfkt009 sklveb2011kfkt010 sklveb2009kfkt008 sklveb2009kfkt014 sklveb2010kfkt010 sklveb2011kfkt004 beef and yak production system programme, moa cars-38 [显示基金资助信息][隐藏基金资助信息] th** work was supported by the open funds of the state key laboratory of veterinary etiological biology, lanzhou veterinary research institute, chinese academy of agricultural sciences (grant nos. sklveb2010kfkt009, sklveb2011kfkt010, sklveb2009kfkt008, sklveb2009kfkt014, sklveb2010kfkt010 and sklveb2011kfkt004) and the beef and yak production system programme, moa (cars-38).出版商: academic journals, p o box 5170-00200 nairobi, victoria **land, lagos 73023, nigeria web of science 类别: microbiology 研究方向: microbiology ids 号: 987fm **sn: 1996-0808 20210311

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