
龚小小小小酥。 2024-12-02 03:34:34
本溪市2008年中考英语口语测试题(一)  学校:_____________ 姓名:_____________ 考号:_____________  题号 项  目 内 容 及 问 题 赋  分 得  分  ⅰ 朗  读  th** week we asked students at new high school about the best ways to learn more engl**h. many said they learnt by using engl**h. some students had more specific suggestions. lillian li, for example, said the best way to learn new words was by reading engl**h magazines. she said that memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little. when we asked about studying grammar, she said, “i never study grammar. it’s too boring.”  4  ⅱ 自由  交谈  或  看图  说话 1、talk about entertainment and sports  2、talk about food and drink  3、talk about festivals, holidays and celebrations  4、talk about family, friends and people around  5、talk about interests and hobbies  6、talk about school life  7、talk about daily routines  8、talk about tr**el and transport  9、talk about language learning  10、talk about personal **rmation 6  总 分  评 定 等 级  考核教师___________ 考核组长__________  2008年5月 日  本溪市2008年中考英语口语测试题(二)  学校:____________ 姓名:____________ 考号:____________  题号 项  目 内 容 及 问 题 赋  分 得  分  ⅰ 朗  读  at our school, we sometimes h**e a special day to help others. last year we went to an old people’s home and sang songs and performed a play for them. the old people were very happy. we should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often. for example, we should v**it primary schools and help teach young students. i want to be a teacher when i’m older so it would be a great experience for me. on friday afternoons, many students are sleepy after a long week of classes. some students should be allowed to h**e friday afternoons off to volunteer and help others.  4  ⅱ 自  由  交  谈  或  看  图  说  话 1、talk about entertainment and sports  2、talk about food and drink  3、talk about festivals, holidays and celebrations  4、talk about family, friends and people around  5、talk about interests and hobbies  6、talk about school life  7、talk about daily routines  8、talk about tr**el and transport  9、talk about language learning  10、talk about personal **rmation 6  总 分  评 定 等 级  考核教师_____________ 考核组长__________  2008年5月 日  本溪市2008年中考英语口语测试题(三)  学校:___________ 姓名:__________ 考号:__________  题号 项  目 内 容 及 问 题 赋  分 得  分  ⅰ 朗  读  dear knowledgeable  my best friend, mei, has a problem. there ** a really important engl**h speech contest for our whole city next month. our classmates want her to represent the class in the school contest. everyone ** sure she will win. it’s probably true. mei ** very clever, and can speak engl**h really well. in fact, she always comes top in the school exams. the problem ** that she’s very shy. she doesn’t want to let her friends down, but she’s terrified of speaking in front of other people.  4  ⅱ 自由  交谈  或  看图  说话 1、talk about entertainment and sports  2、talk about food and drink  3、talk about festivals, holidays and celebrations  4、talk about family, friends and people around  5、talk about interests and hobbies  6、talk about school life  7、talk about daily routines  8、talk about tr**el and transport  9、talk about language learning  10、talk about personal **rmation 6  总 分  评 定 等 级  考核教师_____________ 考核组长__________  2008年5月 日  本溪市2008年中考英语口语测试题(四)  学校:___________ 姓名:__________ 考号:__________  题号 项  目 内 容 及 问 题 赋  分 得分  ⅰ 朗  读  for your next vacation, why not consider v**iting par**? par** ** the capital of france, and ** one of the liveliest cities in europe. it doesn’t h**e any beaches or mountains, but there are still many things to do there. tr**eling around par** by taxi can cost a lot of money but it’s usually quite convenient to take the underground train to most places. in general, though france ** quite an expensive place. one thing that ** not expensive in france, however, ** the wine.  4  ⅱ 自  由  交  谈  或  看  图  说  话 1、talk about entertainment and sports  2、talk about food and drink  3、talk about festivals, holidays and celebrations  4、talk about family, friends and people around  5、talk about interests and hobbies  6、talk about school life  7、talk about daily routines  8、talk about tr**el and transport  9、talk about language learning  10、talk about personal **rmation 6  总 分  评 定 等 级  考核教师_____________ 考核组长__________  2008年5月 日  本溪市2008年中考英语口语测试题(五)  学校:___________ 姓名:__________ 考号:__________  题号 项  目 内 容 及 问 题 赋  分 得分  ⅰ 朗  读  last week everyone was trying to cheer up jimmy, the bike boy. but th** week jimmy ** happy again. on monday he told a radio interviewer that he had run out of money to buy old bikes. he also put up some sings asking for old bikes and called up all h** friends and told them about the problem. he even handed out advert**ements at a local supermarket. then he told the teachers at school about h** problem and they set up a call-in center for parents. the strategies that he came up with worked out fine. he now has six** bikes to fix up and give away to children who don’t h**e bikes. 4  ⅱ 自  由  交  谈  或  看  图  说  话 1、talk about entertainment and sports  2、talk about food and drink  3、talk about festivals, holidays and celebrations  4、talk about family, friends and people around  5、talk about interests and hobbies  6、talk about school life  7、talk about daily routines  8、talk about tr**el and transport  9、talk about language learning  10、talk about personal **rmation 6  总 分  评 定 等 级  考核教师_____________ 考核组长__________  2008年5月 日  本溪市2008年中考英语口语测试题(六)  学校:___________ 姓名:__________ 考号:__________  题号 项  目 内 容 及 问 题 赋  分 得分  ⅰ 朗  读  did you know that tea, the most popular drink in the world, was invented by accident. although tea wasn’t brought to the western world until 1610, th** beverage was d**covered over three thousand years before that. according to an ancient chinese legend, the emperor shen nong d**covered tea when he was boiling drinking water over an open fire. some le**es from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time. the emperor noticed that the le**es in the water produced a pleasant smell. later he decided to taste the hot mixture. it was quite delicious. and in th** way, one of the world’s f**orite drinks was invented. 4  ⅱ 自  由  交  谈  或  看  图  说  话 1、talk about entertainment and sports  2、talk about food and drink  3、talk about festivals, holidays and celebrations  4、talk about family, friends and people around  5、talk about interests and hobbies  6、talk about school life  7、talk about daily routines  8、talk about tr**el and transport  9、talk about language learning  10、talk about personal **rmation 6  总 分  评 定 等 级  考核教师_____________ 考核组长__________  2008年5月 日  本溪市2008年中考英语口语测试题(七)  学校:___________ 姓名:__________ 考号:__________  题号 项  目 内 容 及 问 题 赋  分 得分  ⅰ 朗  读  asking for **rmation or help ** a very common and necessary activity, especially when we v**it a foreign country, so knowing how to ask for **rmation politely ** important. in engl**h, “where are the restrooms?” and “could you please tell me where the restrooms are?” are similar requests –both are correct engl**h, but the first could sound rude. it’s important to use correct language, but sometimes th** alone ** not enough—we need to learn how to be polite when we make requests.  4  ⅱ 自  由  交  谈  或  看  图  说  话 1、talk about entertainment and sports  2、talk about food and drink  3、talk about festivals, holidays and celebrations  4、talk about family, friends and people around  5、talk about interests and hobbies  6、talk about school life  7、talk about daily routines  8、talk about tr**el and transport  9、talk about language learning  10、talk about personal **rmation 6  总 分  评 定 等 级  考核教师_____________ 考核组长__________  2008年5月 日  本溪市2008年中考英语口语测试题(八)  学校:___________ 姓名:__________ 考号:__________  题号 项  目 内 容 及 问 题 赋  分 得分  ⅰ 朗  读  i’ve never been late for school, but yesterday i came very close. my alarm clock didn’t go off, and by the time i woke up, my father had already gone into the bathroom and i had to wait for him to come out. i had to really rush. i took a quick shower, and i had some breakfast, and then ran off to the bus stop. unfortunately, by the time i got there, the bus had already left. i started walking, but i knew i couldn’t get to school on time. luckily my friend tony and h** dad came by in h** dad’s car and they g**e me a ride. when i got to school, the final bell was ringing. i only just made it to my class. 4  ⅱ 自  由  交  谈  或  看  图  说  话 1、talk about entertainment and sports  2、talk about food and drink  3、talk about festivals, holidays and celebrations  4、talk about family, friends and people around  5、talk about interests and hobbies  6、talk about school life  7、talk about daily routines  8、talk about tr**el and transport  9、talk about language learning  10、talk about personal **rmation 6  总 分  评 定 等 级  考核教师_____________ 考核组长__________  2008年5月 日  本溪市2008年中考英语口语测试题(九)  学校:___________ 姓名:__________ 考号:__________  题号 项  目 内 容 及 问 题 赋  分 得分  ⅰ 朗  读  do you like pop music? most people do. one of the best bands on the music scene ** the new ocean w**es. in the last twelve months, they’ve had three major concerts and made a hit cd. they are going to appear on cctv next month. and then they’re going to go on a world tour in which they will perform in ten different cities.  “for years, we played other people’s songs,” says lead singer zhu wen. but now we play mostly our own songs. we’ve had a few songs in the top ten, but we really hope to h**e a number one hit some day.”  4  ⅱ 自  由  交  谈  或  看  图  说  话 1、talk about entertainment and sports  2、talk about food and drink  3、talk about festivals, holidays and celebrations  4、talk about family, friends and people around  5、talk about interests and hobbies  6、talk about school life  7、talk about daily routines  8、talk about tr**el and transport  9、talk about language learning  10、talk about personal **rmation 6  总 分  评 定 等 级  考核教师_____________ 考核组长__________  2008年5月 日  本溪市2008年中考英语口语测试题(十)  学校:___________ 姓名:__________ 考号:__________  题号 项  目 内 容 及 问 题 赋  分 得分  ⅰ 朗  读  when i first ate in a western restaurant, i didn’t know what i was supposed to do. everything was unfamiliar. i was used to eating with chopsticks and a spoon, but i had to eat with a knife, a fork and a spoon. and i had not just one set to use, but two or three of each. questions crowded my mind. was i supposed to begin with the largest ones or the smallest? was i supposed to hold the spoon to start at the outside and work in or the inside and work out? was i supposed to hold the spoon in my left hand or my right hand? what i finally decided to do was…  4  ⅱ 自  由  交  谈  或  看  图  说  话 1、talk about entertainment and sports  2、talk about food and drink  3、talk about festivals, holidays and celebrations  4、talk about family, friends and people around  5、talk about interests and hobbies  6、talk about school life  7、talk about daily routines  8、talk about tr**el and transport  9、talk about language learning  10、talk about personal **rmation 6  总 分  评 定 等 级  考核教师_____________ 考核组长__________  2008年5月 日 20210311

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