1公认的简写翻译登录ccr美 英 n.速缓存控制寄存器;肌除率网络内生肌酐清;群集连续复制(cluster continuous replication);中央控制室(central control room)英汉网络释义n.1.超高速缓存控制寄存器2.肌酐清除率例句释义:全部 , 超高速缓存控制寄存器 , 肌酐清除率 , 内生肌酐清除率更多例句筛选1.can cargo and ballast pumps be controlled from the ccr?货泵和压载泵能否在货控室控制?2.oxygen content soft sensor system in ccr重整再生器氧含量软测量系统3.application of advanced process control software in ccr columns先进控制软件在连续重整装置塔系列中的应用4.calcium carbonate calcium carbonate ccr kaolin碳酸钙锻烧高岭土5.ccr ** a solution that can be deployed without a single point of failure in a single data center or between two data centers .ccr解决方案可以在没有单一故障点的单个数据中心中或两个数据中心之间部署。6.the following topics d**cuss when and how to use lcr as part of a high **ailability and data resiliency plan下列主题讨论了何时以及如何使用ccr作为高可用性和数据复原计划的一部分7.approach of increasing cement output by ccr提高水泥磨产量的中控操作8main points for operation in ccr of precalcining process kiln and solution of common process trouble新型干法窑中控操作要点及常见工艺故障处9.th** topic explains how to recover a cluster continuous replication (ccr) copy after a database has been detected as corrupted.本主题介绍如何在检测到数据库损坏之后恢复群集连续复制(ccr)副本。10.no single point of failure ccr creates a clustered solution that uses a model of active and passive pairs.没有单一故障点ccr创建的群集解决方案使用主动和被动配对模型。 20210311
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