求有关da t te的用法及句型

我真是你丹姐 2024-06-28 12:02:23
我不知你求助的是什么,但如果是单词date的用法和句型如下: date:注明日期和…约会始于约会日期年代枣椰子过时let's d**cuss the delivery date first.让我们先讨论交货的日期。you must specify a valid date or date range.必须指定有效的日期或日期范围。the assembly may decide on a different date of payment.大会可确定与上述日期不同的付款日期。the great temples of karnak and luxor date from th** time.卡尔纳和勒克舍大祠庙就可追溯到这个时候。the talks ended without setting a date for the next round.这些商讨结束时,没有确定下一轮会谈日期。h** framework and terminology remain standard to th** date.他的框架和术语至今仍然是标准。what are you doing? don't you remember we h**e a date tonight?你在做什么啊?你难道不记得我们今晚有一个约会吗?to date, none of these proposals has been universally accepted.但迄今为止,没有任何一个提案被普遍采纳。i guess they worked because she wants to go out on another date.我想这条裤子发生了作用,因为下次她还要跟我约会。yet russia's attitude to climate change to date has been c**alier, at best.然而迄今为止,俄罗斯对待气候变暖的态度充其量说是利己的。choose a date and time for your party that your friends h**e time to come to.为你的生日派对选一个你的朋友们能来的日子和时间。th** ** the second time the house has voted for a specific withdrawal target date这是第二次众议院对一个特定的撤军目标日期投票。may first ** an important date in the college adm**sions process in the united states.五月一日在美国大学的招生过程中是一个重要的日子。i am going on my first date tonight. can you give me some suggestions about what to wear?今晚是我第一次约会,应该穿什么衣服,你能给我一些建议吗?maintains a log of all invoices received for payment, along with the date of payment made.在接收到所有要求付款的**时,用日志维护记录,同时标注款项支付日期。let's see . you want my name, address, occupation , date of birth and social security number .让我看看这张卡片。你要我填上姓名、住址、职业、出生日期和社会保险号码。lawyers rank the pfizer ruling as among the most significant to date by china's commerce min**try.律师将对辉瑞的裁决列为****迄今意义最重大的裁决之一。carrie went on and on about how she couldn't believe i would date a frat boy, that i was better than that, etc.卡莉滔滔不绝地说着有关她不相信我会和一名大学生联谊会的男孩约会,我要比那更好等等。a futures contract ** an agreement to buy or sell a quantity of a product at a set price and date in the future.一份期货合同是一份在一个设定的价格和将来的日期下买卖产品数量的协议。with its limited operations in china to date, the country represents only about 1 per cent of marsh's global revenues.由于达信在**的业务迄今仍很有限,因此**业务收入只占其全球收入的1%左右。a: on the first date, they just tell each other lies, and that usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date.答:第一次约会时,他们只是互相说谎,这样通常就让人们有足够兴趣去赴第二次约会。apply early, the u. s. consulate recommends student applicants appointments two months in advance of their program start date.尽早申请,美国领事馆建议每位学生**申请人在开学前两个月预约**面谈。chinalco will receive one seat on rio's board in return for its investment and h**e the right to appoint another at a later date.作为对其投资的回报,**铝业将在力拓的董事会获得一个席位,并有权在稍后日期委任另一名董事。glossy magazines carry page upon page of stories about where they live, whom they date, what they wear and which balls they go to.时尚杂志会整页整页地讲述他们的故事:他们住在哪儿、他们跟谁约会、他们穿什么以及他们参加了哪个舞会。but gambling can be an illness, and some people on the l**t still try to sneak in by changing their name or swapping a few numbers in their birth date.但赌瘾可能是一种心理疾病,而某些黑名单中的赌徒,仍可能试图改变名字或是将生日日期交换几个数字,然后偷溜回**。by creating "psychological obsolescence", by changing the colours and styling of products to persuade consumers that the ones they had were out of date.通过制造“心理淘汰”、或改变产品的颜色和式样来说服消费者,他们正在使用的东西已经过时了。it **, for example, often convenient to assume that markets are "complete"—that a price ex**ts today, for every good, at every date, in every contingency.比如,假设市场是“完全的”非常方便——即目前,对于任何商品,不论什么时间、发生了什么事情,总存在一个价格。as the article says: 'after you land that date with a wealthy surfer, take a romantic gondola cru**e-or better yet-shop for yachts which are plentiful here.文章说,当你和一位爱好冲浪的富人约会,两人可以划着平底舟浪漫地游戈,或者更浪漫一点,去选购游艇,游艇在这里多的是。he forecast that pak**tan would become an important new "growth spot" for china mobile, which has the right to purchase paktel from its parent at a future date.他预计巴基斯坦将成为**移动一个重要的新“增长点”。**移动将来有权从巴科泰尔的母公司手中完全买下该公司。the hollywood studio behind "twilight" on wednesday set a november 18, 2011, release date for a film version of the last of the four novels in the ** vampire series.电影“暮光之城”的好莱坞工作室在本周三确定了暮光系列的第四部,也就是其终结篇的上映日期,该日期定在了2011年11月18日。 20210311

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