求2篇初三英语作文 我急啊~~(如果好就加分,要求原创,不许在网上抄的)。。。。

Peng宝 2024-09-27 20:52:40
1. i love engl**h very much, but my engl**h improve slowly,espacially for oral engl**h. i know that i should speak more engl**h, but i dont dare to speak engl**h in classes. i do not deign to speak engl**h in the group activities, just because i think that it ** imaginative. i do not dare to talk with native speakers in engl**h, because i am afraid of being laugh at.2 we h**e a lot of extracurricular activities in the school from 4:30pm to 6:00pm.some of us like sports such as football, basketball and table tenn** ball. some like joining hobby groups, for example drawing,singing and dancing, and computer.others love taking part in engl**h corner on wednesday aftertoon.though the extracurricular activities rich and colorfulm, the time for extra-curricular activities ** too short. if the school lengthen the time for extra-curricular activities and reduce the amout of homework, we will feel more better. 20210311

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