
烟台大悦城 2024-06-26 09:40:21
1中get changed 是个习惯用法 2中被动,仍然是get changed ,只是加行时态。 get 的用看词典吧大1点的词典应该会有好几页。 试试逼自己看完 –verb (used with object) 1. to receive or come to h**e possession, use, or enjoyment of: to get a birthday present; to get a pension. 2. to cause to be in one's possession or succeed in h**ing **ailable for one's use or enjoyment; obtain; acquire: to get a good price after bargaining; to get oil by drilling; to get **rmation. 3. to go after, take hold of, and bring (something) for one's own or for another's purposes; fetch: would you get the milk from the refrigerator for me? 4. to cause or cause to become, to do, to move, etc., as specified; effect: to get one's hair cut; to get a person drunk; to get a fire to burn; to get a dog out of a room. 5. to communicate or establ**h communication with over a d**tance; reach: you can always get me by telephone. 6. to hear or hear clearly: i didn't get your last name. 7. to acquire a mental grasp or command of; learn: to get a lesson. 8. to capture; seize: get him before he escapes! 9. to receive as a pun**hment or sentence: to get a spanking; to get 20 years in jail. 10. to prevail on; influence or persuade: we'll get him to go with us. 11. to prepare; make ready: to get dinner. 12. (esp. of animals) to beget. 13. **rmal. to affect emotionally: her pleas got me. 14. to hit, strike, or wound: the bullet got him in the leg. 15. **rmal. to kill. 16. **rmal. to take vengeance on: i'll get you yet! 17. to catch or be afflicted with; come down with or suffer from: he got malaria while living in the tropics. she gets butterflies before every performance. 18. **rmal. to puzzle; irritate; annoy: their silly remarks get me. 19. **rmal. to understand; comprehend: i don't get the joke. th** report may be crystal-clear to a scient**t, but i don't get it. –verb (used without object) 20. to come to a specified place; arrive; reach: to get home late. 21. to succeed, become enabled, or be permitted: you get to meet a lot of interesting people. 22. to become or to cause oneself to become as specified; reach a certain condition: to get angry; to get sick. 23. (used as an auxiliary verb fol. by a past participle to form the passive): to get married; to get elected; to get hit by a car. 24. to succeed in coming, going, arriving at, v**iting, etc. (usually fol. by away, in, into, out, etc.): i don't get into town very often. 25. to bear, endure, or survive (usually fol. by through or over): can he get through another bad winter? 26. to earn money; gain. 27. **rmal. to le**e promptly; scram: he told us to get. 28. to start or enter upon the action of (fol. by a present participle expressing action): to get moving; get rolling. –noun 29. an offspring or the total of the offspring, esp. of a male animal: the get of a stallion. 30. a return of a ball, as in tenn**, that would normally h**e resulted in a point for the opponent. 31. brit**h slang. a. something earned, as salary, profits, etc.: what's your week's get? b. a child born out of wedlock. —verb phrases32. get about, a. to move about; be active: he gets about with difficulty since h** illness. b. to become known; spread: it was supposed to be a secret, but somehow it got about. c. to be socially active: she's been getting about much more since her family moved to the city. also, get around. 33. get across, a. to make or become understandable; communicate: to get a lesson across to students. b. to be convincing about; impress upon others: the fire chief got across forcefully the fact that turning in a false alarm ** a serious offense. 34. get ahead, to be successful, as in business or society: she got ahead by sheer determination. 35. get ahead of, a. to move forward of, as in tr**eling: the taxi got ahead of her after the light changed. b. to surpass; outdo: he refused to let anyone get ahead of him in business. 36. get along, a. to go away; le**e. b. get on. 37. get around, a. to circumvent; outwit. b. to ingratiate oneself with (someone) through flattery or cajolery. c. to tr**el from place to place; circulate: i don't get around much anymore. d. get about. 38. get at, a. to reach; touch: to stretch in order to get at a top shelf. b. to suggest, hint at, or imply; intimate: what are you getting at? c. to d**cover; determine: to get at the root of a problem. d. **rmal. to influence by surreptitious or illegal means; bribe: the gangsters couldn't get at the mayor. 39. get away, a. to escape; flee: he tried to get away, but the crowd was too dense. b. to start out; le**e: the racehorses got away from the starting gate. 40. get away with, to perpetrate or accompl**h without detection or pun**hment: some people lie and cheat and always seem to get away with it. 41. get by, a. to succeed in going past: to get by a police barricade. b. to manage to ex**t, survive, continue in business, etc., in spite of difficulties. c. to evade the notice of: he doesn't let much get by him. 42. get down, a. to bring or come down; descend: the kitten climbed the tree, but then couldn't get down again. b. to concentrate; attend: to get down to the matter at hand. c. to depress; d**courage; fatigue: nothing gets me down so much as a rainy day. d. to swallow: the pill was so large that he couldn't get it down. e. to relax and enjoy oneself completely; be uninhibited in one's enjoyment: getting down with a bunch of old friends. 43. get in, a. to go into a place; enter: he forgot h** key and couldn't get in. b. to arrive; come: they both got in on the same train. c. to become associated with: he got in with a bad crowd. d. to be chosen or accepted, as for office, membership, etc.: as secretary of the club, h** friend made sure that he got in. e. to become implicated in: by embezzling money to pay h** gambling debts quickly, he was getting in further and further. 44. get off, a. to escape the consequences of or pun**hment for one's actions. b. to help (someone) escape pun**hment: a good lawyer might get you off. c. to begin a journey; le**e: he got off on the noon flight. d. to le**e (a train, plane, etc.); d**mount from (a horse); alight. e. to tell (a joke); express (an opinion): the comedian got off a couple of good ones. f. **rmal. to h**e the effrontery: where does he get off telling me how to beh**e? g. slang: vulgar. to experience orgasm. h. to experience or cause to experience a high from or as if from a drug. i. to cause to feel pleasure, enthusiasm, or excitement: a new rock group that gets everyone off. 45. get on or along, a. to make progress; proceed; advance. b. to h**e sufficient means to manage, survive, or fare. c. to be on good terms; agree: she simply can't get on with her brothers. d. to advance in age: he ** getting on in years. 46. get out, a. to le**e (often fol. by of): get out of here! we had to get out of the bus at san antonio. b. to become publicly known: we mustn't let th** story get out. c. to withdraw or retire (often fol. by of): he decided to get out of the dry goods business. d. to produce or complete: let's get th** work out! 47. get over, a. to recover from: to get over an illness. b. get across. 48. get through, a. to succeed, as in meeting, reaching, or contacting by telephone (usually fol. by to): i tried to call you last night, but i couldn't get through. b. to complete; fin**h: how he ever got through college ** a mystery. c. to make oneself understood: one simply cannot get through to her. 49. get to, a. to get in touch or into communication with; contact: it was too late by the time he got to the authorities. b. **rmal. to make an impression on; affect: th** music really gets to you. c. to begin: when he gets to telling stories about the war, there's no stopping him. —idioms50. get back, a. to come back; return: when will you get back? b. to recover; regain: he got back h** investment with interest. c. to be revenged: she waited for a chance to get back at her accuser. 51. get even. even1 (def. 26). 52. get going, a. to begin; act: they wanted to get going on the construction of the house. b. to increase one's speed; make haste: if we don't get going, we'll never arrive in time. 53. get it, **rmal. a. to be pun**hed or reprimanded: you'll get it for breaking that vase! b. to understand or grasp something: th** ** just between us, get it? 54. get it off, slang: vulgar. to experience orgasm. 55. get it on, a. **rmal. to work or perform with sat**fying harmony or energy or develop a strong rapport, as in music: a rock group really getting it on with the audience. b. slang: vulgar. to h**e sexual intercourse. 56. get it up, slang: vulgar, to achieve an erection of the pen**. 57. get off on, slang. to become enthusiastic about or excited by: after years of indifference, she's getting off on baseball. 58. get round. get around. 59. get the lead out. lead2 (def. 15). 60. get there, to reach one's goal; succeed: he wanted to be a millionaire but he died before he got there. 61. get together, a. to accumulate; gather: to get together a portfolio of 20 stocks. b. to congregate; meet: the alumnae chapter gets together twice a year. c. to come to an accord; agree: they simply couldn't get together on matters of policy. 62. get up, a. to sit up or stand; ar**e. b. to r**e from bed. c. to ascend or mount. d. to prepare; arrange; organize: to get up an exhibit. e. to draw upon; marshal; rouse: to get up one's courage. f. to acquire a knowledge of. g. (to a horse) go! go ahead! go faster! h. to dress, as in a costume or d**gu**e: she got herself up as an astronaut. i. to produce in a specified style, as a book: it was got up in brown leather with gold end**s. 63. has or h**e got, a. to possess or own; h**e: she's got a new car. h**e you got the tickets? b. must (fol. by an infinitive): he's got to get to a doctor right away. c. to suffer from: h**e you got a cold? 20210311

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