
大卫侃车 2024-06-26 11:50:25
pack[pak]n.包裹, <贬>一群, 一副, 背包, 包装vt.包装, 捆扎, 塞满, 压紧, 挑选vi.包装货物, 挤, 群集, 被包装背包box cram fill load stow stuff unpack pack[pak;pak]【动】压缩;磁盘组;〔包装;缩紧〕 to store data in a compact form in a storage medium by taking advantage of known character**tics of the data and the storage medium, in such a way that the original form of the data can be recovered, e.g.,to make use of bit or byte locations that would otherw**e go unused.利用数据和存储介质的已知特性,以可以还原为原始形式的紧凑形式把数据存储在存储媒体上,这样就可以利用那些不这样做就会成为无用的位或字节位置。 见d**k pack。pack1源自中古荷兰语pak[pak]n小包,包裹the soldier carried a pack on h** back. 这个军人背上背着一个小包。一群野兽;一群猎犬the climber carried some food in a pack on h** back.爬山的人把干粮打成包背在背上。a pack of hounds 一群猎犬一帮人;一伙人a pack of thieves 一伙贼一副纸牌 大块浮冰the ship forced its way through the pack. 这条船在浮冰间破冰行驶。send **. packing把…赶走;炒…鱿鱼;即刻把人解雇she tried to interfere, but i sent her packing! 她企图干预,我把她赶走了。 packvt, vi包装;包扎;把…包起来the goods are packed in canvas. 此货用帆布包装。these goods pack easily. 这些货物容易包装。these goods pack easily.这些货物易于包装捆扎。they packed their bags and left.他们把行李打好了包就动身了。we're le**ing in an hour and i h**en't packed yet!"我们一小时后就要动身,而我的行装还未整理好呢。"挤入;挤进;挤满the passengers packed into the train as soon as it pulled up at the station."火车一停靠车站,乘客就挤了进来。"the bus was packed with people. 公共汽车挤满了人。every bus arrives and le**es packed as fully as a sardine tin.每辆开来和开走的公共汽车都塞得像沙丁鱼罐头一样拥挤。the audience packed the hall.听众挤满了大厅。填塞;包垫she packed her clothes into the suitcase. 她把衣服塞进手提箱。if you pack those clothes down we can get more into the case."你如果把那些衣服压紧些,我们就还能往这箱子里多装些东西。"pack some soft ** round the plates in the box so that they will not break."用一些软纸垫在盒中盘子的周围,以免震碎。"装罐;制成罐头to pack fruit in cans 把水果制成罐头pack in(演员等)大量吸引(观众)the new music group ** packing the crowds in. 新乐团吸引了大批观众。that modern opera ** really packing them in.那出现代歌剧吸引着大批观众。pack it in停止,结束,放弃(说或做某事)"why don't you pack in, when you feel dizzy?"你在头晕为什么不停止工作?"pack it in, stop arguing!""停下来,不要争吵了!"pack off把…打发走to pack the children off to school 打发孩子们去学校pack up打好旅行用的行李he packed up h** things and left. 他把东西打点好就走了。停止;结束he was told by the boss to pack up.老板把他解雇了。it's time to pack up.到收工的时候了。the firm will probably pack up and move northwest.这家商行可能要停业迁移到西北去了。the motor packed up.马达坏了。box cram fill load stow stuff unpack pack2[pak]vt(为对某人有利而)不公正地安排(陪审团人选)box cram fill load stow stuff unpack pack[pak]vt.收买, 拉拢, 操纵, 纠集; 安插[挑选]自已人充任(委员等)pack cards with与...共谋, 串通packvi.共谋, 结党, 串通作弊pack[pak]n.包; 捆; 包裹; [美]小包(**, 野兽, 飞禽等的)一群; 一组; 一堆; [贬]一帮[伙](人)一批; 一套; 大量(纸牌)一副(货物的)标准包装量包装[扎]法[材料]润发头油, 发膏(一年或一季中装成罐头的鱼肉水果等的)装罐量【军】背包; 驮包; 降落伞包(= pack ice)(海里的)大块浮冰(作战飞机或舰艇的)一队包装量, 容器,【医】(包)裹(疗)法; 湿[干, 冷, 热]裹法; (包裹用的)裹布; 冰袋(依次排列的)一堆舞台背景屏【摄】一叠放进照相机里的散软片; 软片包; 一组同时曝光的软片[硬片](橄榄球)全体前卫【无、自】单元; 部件, 组件a pack of books一捆书a pack of wolves一群狼a pack of thieves一伙窃贼a pack of playing cards一副纸牌th** year's pack of f**h今年的鱼装罐量packvt.包装, 把...打包[装箱等]; 捆扎; 打行李; 把(食品)装罐填装, 填满; 挤满; 塞满集中, 收集把... 压紧[压实]使驮载; 背运; 驮送配带(装备等); 配有把...裹起来;【医】(用裹布)包裹把... 打发走; 撵走; 解雇把(全副纸牌)叠在一起[俚](拳击)猛击(一拳)pack clothes into a case[pack a case with clothes] 把衣服装进箱子pack (up) one's things整理行装pack fruit把水果装罐pack the boy off to school打发男孩去上学pack **. off解雇某人the classroom was packed with students.教室里坐满了学生。the wind packed the snow against the side of the house.风把雪吹积到房屋边。packvi.包装(起来), 收拾行李, 整理行装用牲口驮着行李去旅行驮货挤进被包装[捆紧]聚集, 成群压实, 变结实匆匆离去(off)people packed into the bus.人们挤进了公共汽车。packadj.驮载的; 适合于包装的成包的, 成捆的背负[驮载]用的; (牲口)驮的装满了的[苏]驯良的, 亲切的a pack flamethrower背囊式喷火器packanimaln.驮畜[子]pack-horsen.驮马; [喻]做苦工的人packhousen.仓库; (肉类、果品等的)加工包装厂packmann.小贩packsackn.旅行背包packsaddlen.驮鞍packsandn.细砂岩packsetn.便携式对讲无线电话机packsheetn.高级打包麻布pack-shotn.微距镜头pack-sinteringn.装箱烧结pack-walln.充填带, 废石垛墙packthreadn.包装用线; 缝线packedadj.[常用来构成复合词]充满...的, 塞满了...的挤满的; 满座的per**h the pack[苏]耗尽所有, 耗费一切资产send **. packing撵走某人, 解雇某人spend [eat] the pack[俚]耗尽所有(资产)tell a pack of lies谎话连篇, 满口诳语wolf pack【军】群狼战术的作战单位 [美俚]青少年**集团pack and peel与...有关系, 与...打交道pack away收拾, 收藏 辞退, 解雇 慌慌张张走掉pack in停止, 放弃, 结束 吸引大量观众pack into挤进...里, 涌进 使挤入; 塞入, 装入pack it away[美俚]吃得很快; 很快吃完pack it in[俚]停止, 放弃(做某事) 充分利用有利条件 [美俚]承认失败pack it up停止吵闹; 别往下讲了pack off(= pack **. off)匆匆打发...走, 赶走, 解雇 (=pack oneself off)捆好自己的行李离开, “卷铺盖”pack (on) all sail【航海】扯起所有的帆 [转]竭尽全力pack out填满, 挤满pack up捆好东西, 收拾行李, 打包 [口]收拾工具, 收工, 下班 [俚](机器)失灵, (人)死alternative pack可换容器, 选择容器, 选 择部件animals pack牲畜群asparagus style [vertical] pack(青刀豆的)石刁柏式排列装罐, 直立式装罐back pack背包 背负式火箭发动机battery pack电池组boil in bag pack可煮袋包**oilable pack可煮包**rick pack长方形包**rine pack盐水封装(罐头)bulk pack散装can pack罐装, 罐头包装canned pack罐头产品(产量)carrier's pack承运人装箱catering pack公共饮食用包装, 餐馆用包装chunks pack横切鱼段罐头coalescent pack【化工】聚结填料coil pack线圈[盘管]组件cold pack冷装(罐), 冷充填consumer pack零售包装diode pack二极管集成组件d**c pack磁盘组件d**k pack磁盘组套[组合]d**k packs(电子计算机)磁盘堆engine pack发动机组件false packs掺次货(的)棉包feeding pack馈电部件film pack盒装胶片(亮光下装入照相机用), 软片暗包filter pack【摄】组合滤色片five pack五支包装(如雪茄烟等)flako pack散肉装罐(如螃蟹罐头), 碎块装罐(如金枪鱼罐头)flat pack扁平集成电路; 平封半导体网络; 扁平外壳fractional pack分装, 小包装free pack不定量包装glass pack玻璃瓶装食品grated pack搓碎食品, 金枪鱼糜罐头heat pack热装(罐)hose-reel pack软管卷组ice and salt pack冰盐填装jet pack喷气发动机组件jett**onable rocket pack可抛火箭发动机组mat packs【采矿】铁丝捆绑方木排meat pack分包肉; [pl. ]肉罐头, 肉制半成品micromodule pack微型组件封装mill pack单张薄钢板 叠轧板材, 叠板per cent pack装箱率power pack动力单元, 电源组readily-removable pack易卸包rechargeable battery pack可再充电电池组removable d**k pack可换磁盘组seasoned pack(经)调味(的)罐头sheet pack薄板叠, 钢皮捆shipper's pack由发货人装箱standard pack标准包装straight pack原汁罐头tea pack茶叶小袋, (装一次沏茶用少量茶叶的)小袋test pack【自】测 试包, 测试卡片组test packs试验罐th** year's pack今年出品tight pack密封包装tuner pack调谐器组件vacuum pack真空包装(品)bag[ba^]n.袋子, 猎获物bag中古英语 bagge<古挪威语 baggi 包[ba^]n袋子 (一人的)猎获物 一袋之量 (pl)(常与of连用)大量,许多bags of time 大量时间he has bags of money! 他有许多钱!〈俚〉女人,娘们儿 (有袋类动物的)育儿袋 (pl)眼兜,松弛的下眼皮 in the bag稳操胜券;十拿九稳的don't worry. we've got the match in the bag. 别担心,这次比赛我们赢定了。 we're sure to win. the match ** in the bag.我们肯定赢,这场比赛我们是稳操胜券。bagvt, vi-gg- 装入袋中 猎获 占(位置)try to bag seats at the back for us. 你想想办法帮我们占几个后面的座位。像口袋似地松垂h** trousers bagged at the knees. 他的裤子在膝盖处像口袋一样松垂着。bag[ba^;ba^]元包an unordered group of elements. bags are used to express multiplication and arithmetic operations. for example, if we use the expression “plus” for addition,then 1+2+3 could be expressed either as plus(1,2,3) or plus(2,1,3), since the or der of the numbers ** not important in addition.一种若干元素的无序组合。可以使用“元包”来表示乘法和算术运算。例如,如果我们用plus这样的表达式来表示加法,则1+2+3可以表示为如下任一种方式:plus(1,2,3)或plus(2,1,3),这是因为在加法中,各个数的先后次序是无关紧要的。bagahd:[b**]d.j.:[b#g]k.k.:[b#g] n.abbr:bg.a container of flexible material, such as **, plastic, or leather, that ** used for carrying or storing items.a handbag; a purse.a piece of hand luggage, such as a suitcase or a organic sac or pouch, such as the udder of a object that resembles a pouch. nauticalthe bulging part of a sail.the amount that a bag can amount of game taken or legally permitted to be taken. baseballa base. slangan area of interest or skill:cooking ** not my bag. slanga woman considered ugly or unkempt.bag v. bagged; bag.ging; bags;bag put into or as if into a cause to bulge like a capture or kill as game:bagged six grouse. **rmalto gain possession of; capture.bag hang swell out; bulge.bag itto be a cease d**cussion of an **sue:finally in d**gust i told my debating opponent to bag the bagassured of a successful outcome; virtually accompl**hed or won.middle engl**h baggefromold norse baggibagfulbaggerbagn.书包;提包[ba^]bag-online广东知信旅行制品bagahd:[b**]d.j.:[b#g]k.k.:[b#g] n.abbr:bg.a container of flexible material, such as **, plastic, or leather, that ** used for carrying or storing items. 袋子由柔韧材料如纸、塑料或皮革做成的容器,用来装或贮存物品a handbag; a purse.手包;钱包a piece of hand luggage, such as a suitcase or a satchel. 手提包一件手拿的行李,如手提衣箱或小提包an organic sac or pouch, such as the udder of a cow. (牛的)乳房有机体器官的液囊或袋,如牛的乳房an object that resembles a pouch. 囊状物类似袋子的物体 nautical 【航海】the bulging part of a sail. 气囊航帆鼓起的部分the amount that a bag can hold. 一袋的量包或袋所能盛的数量an amount of game taken or legally permitted to be taken. 合法的狩猎量取得的猎物或被法律允许的狩猎数量 baseball 【棒球】a base.垒包 slang 【俚语】an area of interest or skill: 兴趣;技巧有兴趣或擅长的领域:cooking ** not my bag.做饭不是我拿手的事情 slang 【俚语】a woman considered ugly or unkempt. 邋遢丑陋的女人被认为丑或不修边幅的邋遢妇女bag v. bagged; bag.ging; bags;bag put into or as if into a bag. 装入放入或似乎放入包中to cause to bulge like a pouch. 使鼓胀使象囊一样鼓出to capture or kill as game: 猎捕象对猎物一样夺取或捕杀:bagged six grouse.捕获了6支松鸡 **rmal 【非正式用语】to gain possession of; capture. 获得,捕获得到占有权;捕获bag hang loosely.松散地垂挂to swell out; bulge. 鼓胀鼓出来;膨胀隆起bag itto be a truant. 逃学,逃课成为逃避责任者或逃学者to cease d**cussion of an **sue: 放弃;停止停止问题的讨论:finally in d**gust i told my debating opponent to bag it.最后我厌恶地告诉我的争论对手停止讨论in the bagassured of a successful outcome; virtually accompl**hed or won. 稳操胜券的确信有成功的结果;实际上已完成或已赢得middle engl**h bagge中古英语 baggefromold norse baggi源自古斯堪的纳维亚语 baggibagfulbagger 20210311

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