i need a doctor 的歌词和中文翻译~

乐乐同学~婚礼策划师 2024-06-20 03:20:53
歌词:i’m about to lose my mind我丧失意志的底线you’ve been gone for so long你离太久i’m running out of time我的时间已快耗i need a doctor我需要个医生doctor为一语双关,暗指dr.dre)call me a doctor为我叫个医生i need a doctor, doctor我需要个医生,医生to bring me back to life来让我起死回生[eminem]i told the world one day i would pay it back我告诉过这个世界总有一天我会把我所受的全部奉还say it on tape, and lay it, record it在录音时说下来,写下来,把话录下来so that one day i could play it back这样有一天我就能把它再次播放but i don’t even know if i believe it when i'm saying that但是我甚至不知道是否会相信我这样说过doubt startin' to creep in, everyday it’s just so grey and black自从他们进入了我的生活, 日子是如此灰暗阴霾hope,i just need a ray of that期待着,我需要的仅仅是人生中的一丝曙光’cause no one see's my v**ion when i play it for ‘em因为他们没人能了解我歌中的内涵they just say it’s wack他们只说它真差but they don’t know what dope **他们连酷是什么也不知道(dope: 酷,棒极了)and i don’t know if i was awake or asleep,when i wrote th**当我写下这歌词时,我甚至不清楚我到底是醒还是睡着all i know ** you came to me when i was at my lowest我只知道在我人生最低谷时 你来到了我身边you picked me up, breathed new life in me你把我拉出低谷 让我焕发了新生i owe my life to you我欠你一条命!before the life of me, i don't see why you don't see like i do之前,我不明白为什么你跟我看到你不一样but it just dawned on me you lost a son当我知道你失去了你的孩子时我明白了(dr.dre的儿子因**而死亡)demon's fightin' you. it’s dark. let me turn on the lights and brighten me and enlighten you你在与心魔战斗,周围太黑了,让我点亮灯火,照亮我,也照亮你。i dont think you real**e what you mean to me我觉得你不了解你对我有多重要not the slightest clue一点也不‘cause me and you were like a crew我们是一起的啊i was like your sidekick我就是你的亲密战友you’ll either wanna fight when i get off th** f-cking mic我放下这该死的麦克风后你也许会揍我or you're gonna hug me或由衷地拥抱我but i’m out of option, there‘s nothing else i can do ‘cause…可我没别的选择 我已穷途末路, 因为[skylar grey]i’m about to lose my mind我濒临丧失意志的底线you’ve been gone for so long你离开了太久i’m running out of time我的时间已快耗尽i need a doctor我需要个医生call me a doctor帮我找个医生i need a doctor, doctor我需要个医生,医生to bring me back to life来让我起死回生[eminem]it hurts when i see you struggle看见你挣扎我很难过you come to me with ideas你为我带来了不少灵感you say there just pieces so i’m puzzled你说’cause the ** i hear ** crazy你不知道你有多屌but your either getting lazy or you don’t believe in you no more但你也变的自暴自弃 不再相信你自己seems like your own opinions, no one you can form似乎你已经无法做出自己的决定,连一个决定也无法成型can't make a dec**ion you keep questioning yourself做不了决定,你不断怀疑自己second guessing and it‘s almost like your begging for my help一遍遍猜疑,你几乎像是祈求我的帮助like i’m your leader好像我是你的领导you’re supposed to f-cking be my mentor你tm应该是我的导师啊!i can endure no more,我无法再忍受i demand you remember who you are我要求你记起你是谁!it was you, who believed in me那是你,那个坚定不移信任我的你when everyone was telling you don‘t sign me当人们都劝你别签我everyone at the f-cking label当时每个唱片公司里的人都这么说let's tell the truth,you r**ked your career for me但实际上,为了我,你把自己事业全赌了下去i know it as well as you这点我和你一样清楚nobody wanted to f-ck with the white boy在这个行业没人会吊一个白人dre i’m crying in th** booth德瑞,我在这个暗室中呼喊you s**ed my life, now maybe it’s my turn to s**e yours你救了我一命,现在也许轮到我来救你的命了but i can never repay you what you did for me ** way more但你对我的恩德不论如何我都报答不尽,(因为)你为我做的更多but i ain‘t giving up faith and you ain’t giving up on me但我不会放弃我的信念,而且你也不会放弃我get up dre, i’m dying i need you, come back for f-cks sake振作吧,德瑞,我要死了,我需要你,看在这份上回来吧!(for god's sake看在上帝的份上,此处为改写)[skylar grey]i’m about to lose my mind我濒临丧失意志的底线you’ve been gone for so long你离开了太久i’m running out of time我的时间已快耗尽i need a doctor我需要个医生call me a doctor帮我找个医生i need a doctor, doctor我需要个医生,医生to bring me back to life来让我起死回生[dr dre]it literally feels like a lifetime ago这感觉就像过了一辈子那么久but i still remember the ** like it was just yesterday though但是我tm仍然感觉好像就发生是昨天you walked in, yellow jump suit你走了进来,一身黄色的连衫工作服whole room, cracked jokes整个房间,大家都在揶揄你的肤色once you got inside the booth, told you, like smoke一旦你踏进录音室,正像我告诉你的,你的饶舌带着杀气went through friends, some of them i put on走过的那些朋友,有些给我装出一副样子but they just left, they said they was riding to a death但他们却走了 他们曾说为我赴汤蹈火but where the f-ck are they now但他们**现在去哪了呢now that i need them i dont see none of them现在我需要他们,却找不到一个人all i see ** slim我只看到slim(slim shady,即eminem)f-ck all you fair-weather friends去**这些酒肉朋友all i need ** him我只需要他f-cking backstabbers去**这帮背后小人when the chips were down you just laughed at us当我们出事的时候,你们只是嘲笑着我们now you about to feel the f-cking wrath of aftermath, faggots现在你们这些鸟人将要尝到我狂怒的后果了,垃圾们(双关:aftermath为dr.dre与eminem共创的唱片厂牌)you gon see us in our lab jackets and ask us where the f-ck we been?你们会看到我们重新回到录音室,然后问我们之前干什么去了you can k**s my indec**ive ass crack maggots and the crackers ass你可以来拍马屁 亲我的菊花,也拍eminem的马屁(cracker白人的意思)little cracker jack beat making wack math,你们嘲笑阿姆为饼干男孩(cracker jack为百事公司旗下的一种零食,此处用来指身为白人的阿姆)backwards producers, im back bastards幕后推手们、杂种们,我回来了one more cd and then i’m packing up my bags and as i’m le**ing再出一张cd我就收拾行囊,离开这里and i guarantee they'll scream dre don’t le**e us like that man ‘cause…我保证他们会像那个人(指eminem)一样叫道:德瑞,不要离开我们,因为... ...[skylar grey]i’m about to lose my mind我濒临丧失意志的底线you’ve been gone for so long你走了那么久i’m running out of time我的时间已快耗尽i need a doctor我需要个医生call me a doctor帮让我起死回生i need a doctor, doctor我需要个医生to bring me back to life带我回到生活的正轨to bring me back to life让我重获新生 20210311

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