
金锋团队JKFilm 2024-09-21 14:15:48
**国内学者写的书建议你就别看了,外文的最好看原版,因为很难保证翻译质量。以下提供个目录吧,希望你能在这个会计中最困难的领域之一学有所成。below ** a l**t of great financial accounting books:1. financial accounting: an introduction to concepts, methods, and uses by clyde p. stickney, roman l. weil, hardcover: 992 pages, publ**her: south-western collegeth** widely respected financial accounting text captures the predominant market share among graduate, mba, and better undergraduate programs. it focuses on presenting, with great clarity, both the basic concepts underlying financial statements and the terminology and methods that allow students to interpret, analyze, and evaluate actual corporate financial statements.2. financial accounting : tools for business dec**ion making by paul d. kimmel, jerry j. weygandt, donald e. kieso, hardcover: 832 pages, publ**her: wileyth** textbook provides students with an understanding of those concepts that are fundamental to the use of accounting. starting with a "macro" view of accounting **rmation, the authors present real financial statements and establ**h how a financial statement communicates the financing, investing, and operating activities of a business to users of accounting **rmation. they motivate students by grounding the d**cussion in the real world, showing them the relevance of the topics covered to their future career. student workbook: th** valuable study guide, written to use side-by-side with the financial accounting textbook provides the guidance and assurance you need to exceed in the course.3. financial and managerial accounting by carl s. warren, james m. reeves, philip e. fess, james m. reeve, hardcover: 1204 pages, publ**her: south-western collegeideal for first-year accounting courses, th** textbook presents balanced coverage of both financial and managerial topics. in th** textbook, the authors refine their proven approach to accounting's expanding role in business. th** textbook uses the preparation of financial statements as the framework for understanding what accounting ** all about. 4. corporate financial accounting (corporate financial accounting) by carl s. warren, james m. reeve, philip e. fess, **back: 800 pages, publ**her: south-western collegelike the most successful businesses, th** textbook successfully integrates innovation with tradition by showing how the preparation of financial accounting **rmation ** useful. th** book uses the preparation of financial statements as the framework for understanding what accounting ** all about..更多英文版资料建议使用google用关键词“fiancial accounting”搜索,会有很多。中文版的推荐几本具有参考价值的:关于美国准则的:美国财务会计准则••149-150号•金融工具和套期保值会计修订igaap——金融工具相关准则实务指南(企业会计准则丛书)关于**准则的(跟国际准则趋同了,但说的比较简单明了)企业会计准则2010,第23-25章和38章。关于国际财务报国准则的**财务报告准则2008(中文版),ias39,ias32,ifrs7。国际会计准则理事会和**组织专家翻译的,质量很高了,但是还是很难读,需要毅力,建议朗读,否则容易睡着,呵呵 针对你的补充:英国目前执行的是国际财务报告准则,但是在金融工具会计方面,全球领先的是美国,国际财务报告也是从美国准则出来的,所以,你要学习金融会计,无论去哪,实际上都脱不开美国的范畴。英国方面的资料,建议你参考aca或者acca考试的会计教材,会有些帮助。 20210311

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