
傅佰萬 2024-06-26 15:27:39
what ** happiness?happiness ** something you decide on ahead of time.the 92-year-old, petite, well-po**ed and proud lady, who ** fully dressed each morning by eight o'clock, with her hair fashionably coifed and makeup perfectly applied, even though she ** legally blind, moved to a nursing home today. her hu**and of 70 years recently passed away, making the move necessary. after many hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, she smiled sweetly when told her room was ready. as she maneuvered her walker to the elevator, i provided a v**ual description of her tiny room, including the eyelet sheets that had been hung on her window. "i love it," she stated with the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old h**ing just been presented with a new puppy. "mrs. jones, you h**en't seen the room .... just wait.""that doesn't h**e anything to do with it," she replied. "happiness ** something you decide on ahead of time. whether i like my room or not doesn't depend on how the furniture ** arranged, it's how i arrange my mind. i already decided to love it. it's a dec**ion i make every morning when i wake up. i h**e a choice; i can spend the day in bed recounting the difficulty i h**e with the parts of my body that no longer work, or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do. each day ** a gift, and as long as my eyes open i'll focus on the new day and all the happy memories stored away, just for th** time in my life." she went on to explain, "old age ** like a bank account, you withdraw from what you've put in. so, my advice to you would be to deposit a lot of happiness in the bank account of memories thank you for your part in filling my memory bank. i am still depositing."and with a smile, she said: "remember the five simple rules to be happy: 1. free your heart from hatred. 2. free your mind from worries. 3. live simply. 4. give more. 5. expect less.何为幸福?幸福就是你能事先决定的东西。这位娇小、优雅、骄傲的老妇人已有92岁高龄,她每天8点之前都把自己穿戴妥当,绾着时尚的发式,画着完美的妆容,即使如今她几乎已看不见东西并搬入了疗养院,这个习惯仍然雷打不动。与她相伴七十多年的丈夫最近去世了,为此她才搬的家。她耐心地等候在疗养院的大厅中,过了很长时间当有人来告诉她房间已经准备好的时候,她仍然面带亲切的微笑。在她扶着助行器走向电梯时,我打量了一眼她的小屋,没放过挂在窗户上的**板。“我喜欢这里!”她高兴地说着,那神情就好像8岁的孩子刚得到别人赠送的一只小狗一样。“太太,您还没看到房间……请稍等。”“没关系,”她回答说,“幸福就是你能事先决定的东西。我是否喜欢自己的房间并不取决于家具如何摆放,而是由我的思想主宰的。我早就决定要喜欢这里了。每天早上醒来时,我都会做出这个决定。我可以选择或者在床上度日如年地反复琢磨自己身体上的残疾,或者离开床铺并对我身体上仍然健康的那部分表示感激。每天都是上天的恩赐,只要睁开双眼,我就会关注新的一天和存留在脑海中的所有幸福回忆,珍视我生命中的此时此刻。”她接着解释说:“岁月就像一个供人存进取出的银行账户。所以,我建议你将大量的幸福都存到回忆银行的账户中。也谢谢你给我的回忆银行增添财富。我现在还在每天储存呢。最后她笑着说:“记住这五条简单的幸福法则吧:1.让心灵摆脱仇恨。 2.让大脑远离烦恼。3.简单地生活。 4.付出更多。5.期望更少。”本文来自网络。 20210311

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