帮我修改下语法错误 谢啦!!!!!!

ō 2024-06-23 21:00:49
你的翻译不算太差,只是常犯些基础错误(比如cannot)以下是我帮你改的,不要以为意思变了。其实有些句子你是按照国语的句子循序来翻译,到了英语里就觉得有些不对! 不过这也是很多**人犯的错,比如:你叫什么名?会翻译成:your name ** what?简单,不过容易犯!日后请注意这一点,有时一句话在国语是顺着来读,但在英语要反过来读!using outside capital in operation and production of an enterpr**e to generate profit ** known as debt management. it ** a common method in operating business. debt provides necessary funding for production of business. in addition, it enables business to benefit from the financial leverage effect and therefore enhances the level return on capital employed. nevertheless, it will generate greater financial r**k if debt ** overused by enterpr**e. the advantages of debt management are:-capital can be ra**e quickly and therefore possible opportunities in the market can be util**ed, which increases income. (seize主要用作领地)- enables businesses to establ**h the time value of money concepts(这句你翻译得很好!). therefore enhances the way in which the capital ** managed, *in a sense of responsibility and under-pressure (urgency不适合). th** should strengthen financial management, which will improve efficiency in capital usage and economic benefits.-企业所得税税前扣除贷款利息这里有点模糊!我虽然读会计但没有在国内读过,但我想应该是这样:interest payable ** deducted from operating profit before corporation tax,therefore income tax expenses are minimized, which means it reduces the cost of funds.(是指贷款利息不包括在所得税计算中吧o(∩_∩)o),-inflation r**ks are transferred to the creditors, therefore owners/shareholders are not affected. if the business uses debt capital improperly*, th*** will bring in* plenty* of negative impacts* to the enterpr**e: [a lot of](这个在语法中视为口语,正确语法不用a lot of)first, debt management may lead to the negative effects(可以考虑impacts,觉得好一些) of financial leverage effect.secondly, debt management ** liable to the r**k of not paying debt on time.lastly, debt management increases the r**k of refinancingtherefore, enterpr**es should understand the current operating state of the business *in order to determine a reasonable debt levels.以上是我的翻译,希望可以帮到你!有什么不明白在问我,我一般一周才上一两次百度,如果急的话就去我的空间里找我的email吧! 20210311

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