什么情况下要有bse/tse r**k证明?
客户如进口时需要就应该提供,这个很简单,出口时到商检局申请办理就可以了,没有使用的话就提供一个没有使用的证明,如果使用了的话这块需要提供的东西就等多了。大部分产品只需要提供一个没有采用tse/bse相关原料的声明既可。如果真的用到动物原料等相关原料就很麻烦了,如果出口到欧洲,可以申请tse/bse cos证书。bse证书模块to be filled up on your letterhead** s e(bovine spongiform encephalopathy)we hereby certify that___________________________________________________________________________________________________________supplied by us does not contain, ** not derived from, ** not produced using, or has not come into contact with any materials of “animal origin".yours faithfully,signature & stamp of companyto be filled up on your letterheadin case of animal origin in the materialenclosure 2b s e(bovine spongiform encephalopathy)you are requested to confirm the following if__________________________________________________________________________________________your material ** of animal origin materialdo you h**e european tse certificate for (item name)2. request details for animal components (starting materials reagents, media components or content materials) used in the manufacture of the material.3.the origins of all“animal components” i.e.animal speciesanimal t**suesthe country of origin of the animals.yours faithfully,signature & stamp of company 20210311