
盈科旅游义马小白 2024-11-30 09:51:24
1.time the concept of loan cr**** time loan cr**** calls the time class mortgage cr****(subprime lending cr****) again, also translate for the time a debt cr****.it means that an occurrence ** in the united states, because of the time class collateral loan organization bankrupt, investment the fund be compelled to close, the stock market violent vibration cause of storm.it causes the global main financial market ambiguously appear a mobility and not enough cr****."time loan cr****" in the united states gradually presents from 2006 spring beginning.roll up the united states, eu and japanese etc. main financial market in the world in august, 2007. 2.the time loan cr**** produce 2.1.produce principle the direct reason which causes an american time class collateral loan market storm ** american interest rate ascension and housing market to continuously reduce the heat.the time class collateral loan means some loan organizations to reputation degree worse not and highly borrow funds the loan that the person provide with income. interest ascension, cause return style pressure enlarge, a lot of original reputations not good customer felling return style pressure big, appear to break contract of may, lend money to the bank of take back a cr**** of result in the influence. american time class collateral loan market usually adopts fixed rate and floating rate to combine together of return a method, namely:buy a building ** buy building rear to compensate a loan by fixed rate for several years, afterward compensate a loan by floating rate. 5 years that are by 2006 in, because the american housing market keeps on prosperity, the american interest rate level ** lower several years before plus, the united states of the time class collateral loan market quickly develops. because american housing market's reduce the heat ** the exaltation of particularly short-term interest rate, the time class return of collateral loan an interest rate also significantly r**es and buy the return of building loan burden greatly for aggr**ate.in the meantime, housing market continuously the one who reduce the heat to also make to buy building sell housing to perhaps pass to mortgage housing a margin to become difficult again.th** kind of situation directly causes borrow funds of the collateral loan of the large quantity time class person according to the date can't compensate a loan, then cause "time loan cr****". 1.time the concept of loan cr**** time loan cr**** calls the time class mortgage cr****(subprime lending cr****) again, also translate for the time a debt cr****.it means that an occurrence ** in the united states, because of the time class collateral loan organization bankrupt, investment the fund be compelled to close, the stock market violent vibration cause of storm.it causes the global main financial market ambiguously appear a mobility and not enough cr****."time loan cr****" in the united states gradually presents from 2006 spring beginning.roll up the united states, eu and japanese etc. main financial market in the world in august, 2007. 2.the time loan cr**** produce 2.1.produce principle the direct reason which causes an american time class collateral loan market storm ** american interest rate ascension and housing market to continuously reduce the heat.the time class collateral loan means some loan organizations to reputation degree worse not and highly borrow funds the loan that the person provide with income. interest ascension, cause return style pressure enlarge, a lot of original reputations not good customer felling return style pressure big, appear to break contract of may, lend money to the bank of take back a cr**** of result in the influence. american time class collateral loan market usually adopts fixed rate and floating rate to combine together of return a method, namely:buy a building ** buy building rear to compensate a loan by fixed rate for several years, afterward compensate a loan by floating rate. 5 years that are by 2006 in, because the american housing market keeps on prosperity, the american interest rate level ** lower several years before plus, the united states of the time class collateral loan market quickly develops. because american housing market's reduce the heat ** the exaltation of particularly short-term interest rate, the time class return of collateral loan an interest rate also significantly r**es and buy the return of building loan burden greatly for aggr**ate.in the meantime, housing market continuously the one who reduce the heat to also make to buy building sell housing to perhaps pass to mortgage housing a margin to become difficult again.th** kind of situation directly causes borrow funds of the collateral loan of the large quantity time class person according to the date can't compensate a loan, then cause "time loan cr****". 20210311

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