
潮? 2024-09-28 04:32:19
any of various chiefly african plants of the genus aloe, h**ing rosettes of succulent, often spiny-margined le**es and long stalks bearing yellow, orange, or red tubular flowers. 芦荟:一种主要产于的非洲芦荟 属植物,有肉质多浆的莲座丛,通常叶的边缘带刺并有黄、桔黄或红色管形花的长茎.aloe ** a genus of succulent, flowering plants in the family asphodelaceae, which contains about 400 different species. they are native to the drier parts of africa, especially south africa's cape province and the mountains of tropical africa.members of the closely allied genera gasteria and haworthia, which h**e a similar mode of growth, are also sometimes popularly known as aloes. note that the plant sometimes called "american aloe", ag**e americana, belongs to a different family, namely ag**aceae.aloe plants are stiff and rugged, cons**ting mainly of a rosette of large, thick, fleshy le**es. many common varieties of aloe are seemingly stemless, with the rosette growing directly at ground level; other varieties may h**e a branched or un-branched stem from which the fleshy le**es spring. the le**es are generally lance-shaped with a sharp apex and a spiny margin. they vary in color from grey to bright green and are sometimes striped or mottled.aloe flowers are small, tubular, and yellow or red and are borne on densely clustered, simple or branched leafless stems. the plants are cultivated as ornamental plants, especially in public buildings and gardens.the aloe vera, in particular, ** said to h**e medicinal properties. the plant may grow to a height of four feet. the aloe, a clear thick gel-like substance flows from the inside of cut le**es. the le**es also produce a bitter yellow juice which, when dried, becomes aloe latex.useshuman use of aloes are primarily as a herbal remedy in alternative medicines and "home first aid". both the translucent inner pulp as well as the resinous yellow exudate (gel) from wounding the aloe plant ** used externally to relieve skin d**comforts and internally as a laxative. to date, research has shown in certain cases that aloes produce positive medicinal benefits for healing damaged skin, however there ** still much debate regarding the effectiveness and safety for using aloes medicinally in other manners.some aloes h**e been used for human consumption. for example drinks made from or containing chunks of aloe pulp are popular in asia as commercial beverages, and as a tea additive. th** ** notably true in korea. the gel was once used on children's fingers to stop nail-biting.external uses leaf close up[citation needed] [note: much of the material in th** section ** derived from sources with a financial interest in selling products, and few properly conducted clinical trials are cited. th** does not necessarily invalidate the claims made.]for medicinal purposes, aloe vera ** most commonly used externally to treat various skin conditions, and burns. not only does it soothe the skin, ease pain and reduce inflammation, studies h**e been done to show that using aloe as a topical treatment to burns will help speed up the healing recovery process. a study performed in the 1990s showed that the healing of a moderate severe burn was sped up by six days when covering the wound on a regular bas** with aloe vera gel, compared to the healing of the wound covered in a gauze bandage (farrar, 2005). aloe vera helps burns of various degrees, including sunburn. when the gel ** rubbed over over-exposed skin, the redness will d**appear within a couple of days, and it helps to preserve mo**ture so that the skin will not become dry and peel. a cut leaf from an aloe vera plant can be rubbed over the skin, as it exudes gel; the gel can also be bought in drugstores.aloe vera can also be used to treat minor cuts and scrapes. rubbing a cut leaf over a cut will help prevent infection and will speed up the healing response from the body. the aloe vera acts as a sealant and pulls the skin back together like a bandage or a suture (). although aloe should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment, its many uses are beneficial and should be considered for anything such as an everyday mo**turizer to a first-aid ant**eptic. in addition to the above-mentioned benefits, continuous research ** being done to learn how else the aloe vera plant can play an important part in human lives.many cosmetic companies are now adding th** plant to every product possible including makeup, soaps, sunscreens, shampoos and lotions, as well as any product that ** created to soothe, protect and mo**turize the skin. th** ** due partially to the fact that aloe extract ** full of vitamins, nutrients and minerals, as well as, the perception of the general public of aloe as a healing ingredient. the international aloe science council adv**es choosing products that contain between twenty-five and forty percent aloe in them to receive the ultimate aloe vera benefits to the skin ().aloe gel ** also useful for any dry skin condition, especially eczema around the eyes and sensitive facial skin, and for treating fungal infections such as ringworm. in ayurvedic medicine, the gel ** usually applied fresh and can even be converted into an ointment for long-term use.internal usesaloe contains a number of medicinal substances used as a purgative. the medicinal substance ** produced from various species of aloe, such as a. vera, a. vulgar**, a. socotrina, a. chinens**, and a. perryi. several kinds of aloes are commercially **ailable: barbadoes, socotrine, hepatic, indian, and cape aloes. barbadoes and socotrine are the varieties most commonly used for curative purposes.aloes ** the expressed juice of the le**es of the plant. when the le**es are cut, the juice that flows out ** collected and evaporated. after the juice has been removed, the le**es are sometimes boiled, to yield an inferior kind of aloes. the juice of the le**es of certain species, e.g. aloe venenosa, ** po**onous.there h**e been very few properly conducted studies about possible benefits of aloe gel taken internally. one study found improved wound healing in mice, another found a positive effect of lowering r**k factors in patients with heart d**ease. some research has shown decreasing fasting blood sugar in diabetic animals given aloe[1]. none of these studies can be considered to be definitive, and there are many false advert**ing claims for aloe.aloe has been marketed as a remedy for coughs, wounds, ulcers, gastrit**, diabetes, cancer, headaches, arthrit**, immune-system deficiencies, and many other conditions when taken internally. however, these uses are unsubstantiated; the only substantiated internal use ** as a laxative. furthermore, there ** evidence of significant adverse side effects (see for example th** **). genotoxicity studies show that aloe-containing laxatives pose cancer r**k to humans when used as directed[2]. consult your doctor when contemplating taking aloe internally. **oid use during pregnancy because the anthraquinone glycosides are strongly purgative. high doses of the le**es can cause vomiting.on 9 may 2002 the u.s. food and drug admin**tration **sued a final rule banning the use of aloe and cascara sagrada as laxative ingredients in over-the-counter drug products[3].compounds in aloesaloe vera contains over seventy-five nutrients and twenty minerals, nine** amino acids including all eight essential amino acids and eleven secondary amino acids as well and twelve vitamins. these vitamins include: a, b1, b6, b12, c and e (). it has even been referred to as “a pharmacy in a plant” (farrar, 2005).aloes also contain anthraquinone gycosides, resins, polysaccharides, sterols, gelonins, and chromones. it ** also a source of a class of chemicals called aloins.chemical properties of aloinaloins are soluble and easily extracted by water. aloes ** the expressed juice of the le**es of the plant. when the le**es are cut, the juice that flows out ** collected and evaporated. after the juice has been removed, the le**es are sometimes boiled, to yield an inferior kind of aloes. according to w. a. shenstone, two classes of aloins are to be recognized: (1) nataloins, which yield picric and oxalic acids with nitric acid, and do not give a red coloration with nitric acid; and (2) barbaloins, which yield aloetic acid (c7h2n3o5), chrysammic acid (c7h2n2o6), picric and oxalic acids with nitric acid, being reddened by the acid. th** second group may be divided into a-barbaloins, obtained from barbadoes aloes, and reddened in the cold, and b-barbaloins, obtained from socotrine and zanzibar aloes, reddened by ordinary nitric acid only when warmed or by fuming acid in the cold. nataloin (2c17h13o7·h2o) forms bright yellow scales. barbaloin (c17h18o7) forms yellow pr**matic crystals. aloes also contain a trace of volatile oil, to which its odour ** due.medicinal use of alointhe dose ** 130-320 mg, that of aloin being 30-130 mg. aloes can be absorbed from a broken surface and will then cause purging. when given internally it increases the actual amount as well as the rate of flow of the bile. it hardly affects the small intestine, but markedly stimulates the muscular coat of the large intestine, causing purging in about fif** hours. there ** hardly any increase in the intestinal secretion, the drug being emphatically not a hydragogue cathartic. there ** no doubt that its habitual use may be a factor in the formation of haemorrhoids; as in the case of all drugs that act powerfully on the lower part of the intestine, without simultaneously lowering the venous pressure by causing increase of secretion from the bowel. aloes also tends to increase the menstrual flow and therefore belongs to the group of emmenagogues. aloin ** preferable to aloes for therapeutic purposes, as it causes less, if any, pain. it ** a valuable drug in many forms of constipation, as its continual use does not, as a rule, lead to the necessity of enlarging the dose. its combined action on the bowel and the uterus ** of especial value in chloros**, of which amenorrhoea ** an almost constant symptom. the drug should not be taken during pregnancy and when haemorrhoids are present. many well-known patent medicines cons**t essentially of aloes.lign-aloes and agarwoodthe lign-aloes are quite different from plants of the aloe genus. the term "aloes" ** used in the bible (numbers 24:6), but as the trees usually supposed to be meant by th** word are not native in syria, it has been suggested that the septuagint reading in which the word does not occur ** to be preferred. lign-aloe ** a corruption of the latin lignum-aloe, a wood, not a resin. dioscorides refers to it as agallochon, a wood brought from arabia or india, which was odoriferous but with an astringent and bitter taste. th** may be agarwood, a native of east india, south east asia, and china, which supplies the so-called eagle-wood or aloes-wood, which contains much resin and oil.speciesthere are around 400 species in the genus aloe. for a full l**t, see l**t of species of genus aloe. common species include:aloe angelica - wylliespoort aloe aloe arborescens - candelabra aloe, tree aloe, krantz aloe aloe ar**tata - torch plant, lace aloe aloe barberae - tree aloe aloe brevifolia - shortleaf aloe aloe castanea - cat's tail aloe aloe ciliar** - climbing aloe aloe comosa - clanwilliam's aloe aloe dichotoma - quiver tree or kokerboom aloe dinteri - namibian partridge breast aloe aloe d**tans - jeweled aloe aloe excelsa - noble aloe, zimbabwe aloe aloe ferox - cape aloe, tap aloe, bitter aloe aloe glauca - blue aloe aloe humil** - spider aloe aloe khamiens** - namaqua aloe aloe long**tyla - karoo aloe, ramenas aloe maculata - soap aloe, zebra aloe aloe mitriform** - gold tooth aloe aloe nobil** - gold tooth aloe aloe perryi - perry's aloe aloe pictifolia - kouga aloe aloe perryi - perry's aloe aloe pictifolia - kouga aloe aloe pillansii - bastard quiver tree aloe plicatil** - fan aloe aloe polyphylla - spiral aloe aloe pratens** - rosette aloe aloe ramos**sima - maidens quiver tree aloe saponaria - african aloe aloe speciosa - tilt-head aloe aloe striata - coral aloe aloe tauri - bullocks bottle brush aloe aloe variegata - partridge-breasted aloe, tiger aloe aloe vera - true aloe (vera means true in latin), barbados aloe, common aloe, yellow aloe, medicinal aloe. th** ** the variety used medicinally. aloe zebrina - zebra aloe 20210311

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