
董先生聊珠宝 2024-06-06 08:39:36
a)binge[bindʒ]1. 名词[可数] [口语] 无节制的放纵 2. [binge] 名词 [人名] 宾奇 3. 名词[可数] [口语] 狂欢;狂饮大吃的聚会 4. 不及物动词 狼吞虎咽,暴饮暴食 5. 不及物动词 [俚语] 豪饮,大量饮酒 例句1. he went on/had a three-day binge.他大吃大喝了三天。 2. th** tactic will minimize candy binge eating.这一战术可以减少糖果暴食。 3. they went on a binge last night.他们昨夜出去狂饮作乐。 4. life itself ** the proper binge.生命本身就是一种适当的狂欢。 b)gobblegobble [ˈgɒbl] 1. 动词 狼吞虎咽地吃 2. 及物动词 紧抓不放;攫取 3. 不及物动词 咯咯叫 4. 名词[可数] 火鸡的咯咯的叫声 例句1. she gobbled up all the relevant **rmation.她如饥似渴地收集一切有关的信息。 2. as he was still hungry, he gobbled up a second sandwich.因为还饿,他又狼吞虎咽地吃了第二块三明治。 3. the ** seems to gobble up the taxpayers' money.**似乎大笔大笔地乱花纳税人的税款。 c)glut glut [glʌt] 1. 动词 填饱;狼吞虎咽 2. 及物动词 过度供应 3. 名词[可数] 供大于求 【例句用法】1. the glut of apples sent the prices down.苹果大量上市,使价钱低了下来。 2. children at any party will glut themselves with cake and ice cream, and not touch healthier foods.孩子们在任何聚会上都会撑饱糕饼和冰淇淋,而不沾有营养的食物。 3. the boy glut themselves with cake.孩子们吃蛋糕过了量。 4. what's more, the glut of prohibitions ** tantamount to treating the driver like a child and it also foments resentment.更有甚者,过量的规定就等于将司机象孩子一样对待,并且招来怨恨。 5. the glut of fruit sent the prices down.水果供过于求使价格降低了。 d)wolf down 狼吞虎咽地吃【例句用法】1. don't wolf down your food.吃东西不要狼吞虎咽。 2. i h**e to wolf down my breakfast; i'm rushed for time.我得快点吃完早餐,时间不够了。 e)inhale [ɪnˈheɪl] 1. 及物动词 深吸,吸入(尤指经由呼吸而带入肺中) clinton smoked marijuana but never inhaled. 克林顿薰**,但从不吸入。 2. 动词 吸(气),呼(气) 【例句用法】1. follow me please, inhale! exhale!跟我做,吸气! 呼气! 2. he inhaled deeply.他深深地吸了口气。 3. do you inhale when you smoke?你抽烟时是否把烟吸入肺里? 4. henry inhaled lunch and then rushed off to the meeting.亨利匆忙吞完午餐又赶去开会。 5. we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.我们吸入的是氧气,呼出的是二氧化碳。 f) gulp gulp [g^lp] 1. 及物动词 [+food] (also: gulp down) 狼吞虎咽地吞下 2. 及物动词 [+drink] 大口地饮 3. 不及物动词 (from nerves,excitement) 哽住 4. 名词 [c] (of air) 一大口 5. 名词 (of drink,food) 吞咽 to swallow sth in one gulp 将某物一口吞下 6. 名词 (drink) 将某物一饮而尽 【例句用法】1. she gulped nervously, as if the question bothered her.她紧张地咽了一下,似乎那问题把她难住了。 2. he gulped h** food.他狼吞虎咽地吃东西。 3. he downed the vodka in one gulp.他将伏特加酒一饮而尽。 4. you must gulp back your vindictiveness你必须抑制住你的复仇心理。 5. she crawled onto the river bank and lay there gulping in air.她爬上河岸,躺在那里喘着大气。 g)nibble ['nɪbl] 1. (bite) 轻咬 2. (eat) 啃【例句用法】1. food and rent nibbled away at the money they had s**ed.花在食物和房租上的钱把他们的积蓄一点一点耗掉了。 2. the mice h**e nibbled a hole in the cheese.老鼠在奶酪上啃出了一个洞。 3. he didn't answer, but just continued to nibble at h** food.他没有回答,只是继续一点一点地吃东西。 4. each nibble was eaten with the air of an epicure.每小块食物都吃得津津有味的样子。 5. i feel a nibble on the end of my line.我觉得有鱼轻轻地咬钩。 h)munch [m^ntʃ] 1. 大嚼 2. 出声咀嚼【例句用法】1. munching the apple as he was, he had an eye for all her movements.他虽然啃着苹果,但却很留神地监视着她的每一个动作。 2. she ** munching at an apple.她正用力咀嚼苹果。 i)s**or [ˈseɪvər] 1. 及物动词 体味,品味 2. 及物动词 有……的味道或气味 3. 及物动词 品尝 4. 及物动词 给……调味 5. 名词[不可数] 滋味,味道 【例句用法】1. he drank the wine slowly, s**oring every drop.他慢慢地喝着酒,细细品尝着每滴酒的滋味。 2. life seems to h**e lost most of its s**or for him.对他来说,生活似乎已失去了一切乐趣。 3. i took a mouthful and s**or, ed the taste.我吃趑一囗,慢慢地品尝其滋味。 4. i will s**or all the various fl**ors life has to offer.我会欣赏生命中一切酸甜苦辣。 5. i will s**or its taste and give thanks.一口一口,细细品尝,满怀感激。 希望对你有帮助,望采纳,谢谢! 20210311

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