bad girlfriend 歌词

草莓? 2024-12-23 04:14:43
歌曲名:bad girlfriend歌手:foil专辑:never got hip (+ bonus tracks)theory of a deadman - bad girlfriendby kevin boul & larry chengmy girlfriends a dick magnetmy girlfriends gotta h**e itshe's hot, cant stop, up on stage doing shotstip the man he'll right the bell,get her drunk she'll scream like helldirty girl, gettin' down, dance with guys from outta towngrab her ass, actin' tough,no on really knows if she's drunk or if she's stoned,but she's comin' back to my place tonight!she likes to shake her assshe grinds it to the beatshe likes to pull my hair when i make her grind her teethi like to strip her downshe's naughty to the endyou know what she **, no doubt about itshe's a bad bad girlfriendred thong, party's on, love th** song, sing along.come together, le**e alone, see you later back at homeno one really knows if shes drunk or ** she's stonedbut she's coming back to my place tonighti sayno one really knows just how far shes going to gobut i'm gonna find out later tonightshe likes to shake her assshe grinds it to the beatshe likes to pull my hair when i make her grind her teethi like to strip her downshe's naughty to the endyou know what she **, no doubt about itshe's a bad bad girlfrienddoesn't take her long to make things rightbut does it make her wrong to h**e the time of her lifethe time of her life(my girlfriends a dick magnet)(my girlfriends gotta h**e it)shes a gold diggernow you figure out its over, pull the triggerfutures fin**hed, there it went, s**ings gone,the money spenti look around and all i see ** no good, bad and ugly,man shes hot fixed to be, the future ex-m**s connolly!she likes to shake her assshe grinds it to the beatshe likes to pull my hair when i make her grind her teethi like to strip her downshe's naughty to the endyou know what she **, no doubt about itshe's a bad bad girlfriend 20210311

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