哪位高手帮忙翻译一下? 《社交网络》投资5000万美元,由杰西•艾森伯格和贾斯汀•丁伯莱克主演

张小露 2024-06-07 04:49:52
the social network "investment $50 million, by jesse, e**enberg and justin, starring dingbo lake. film according to ben wheat th** richie (ben mezrich)'s novel the accident billionaire: ** created, a about sex, money, genius and betrayal story (" the accidental billionaires: the founding of tale of sex, a ** genius and betrayal, money to, ") adapted, tells the ** founder mark, zack berg and eduardo haute-s**oie lin, the hair of family h**tory.2003 autumn a night, at harvard's department of psychology student mark, zack sulzberger (jessie, e**enberg).shebeginstofall in front of h** computer sat down and began to very enthusiastic conception of one new idea: for the former rejected microsoft 1000000 work and committed to college for little genius and there ** nothing better than h** moment of brain plan more exciting: mark to be a include global all h** website, to everyone in the above work, study and entertainment, making friends... h** roommate, edward, sarven (andrew garfield diggs) although think the mark ideas too crazy and unreal**tic, but given before the invasion of the school network mark hacker beh**ior "great", edward finally decided and mark together, design th** extremely large web sites. 20210311

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