2024-11-30 20:32:04
简介:公司介绍(网址:) 金山软件是**最知名的软件企业之一,**领先的应用软件和互联网服务提供商。目前,金山软件 在珠海、北京、成都、大连四地分设研发中心,创造了wps office、金山词霸、金山毒霸、 剑侠情缘、封神榜等众多知名产品。同时,金山旗下拥有国内知名的大型英语 学习社区爱词霸网 () 以及在线游戏交流社区逍遥 网 ()。 2007年10月9日,金山软件在**主板成功上市 (股份编号:03888.hk)。 2008年,金山软件迎来了20周年的庆典,走过弱冠之年的金山软件将 加速推进其技术立业及国际化战略。 做世界一流的软件公司,是所有金山人永远不变的梦想。 about kingsoft kingsoft corporation limited, as one of best-known software companies,** a leading software developer and internet service provider in china. kingsoft now has r&d centers in zhuhai, beijing, ** and dalian.kingsoft has several well-known products such as kingsoft office, kingsoft powerword, kingsoft internet security and online games such as "jx series" and "the first myth". kingsoft has set up some of china's largest online communities, including the popular domestic online engl**h learning website and the online game website . on october 9th, 2007, kingsoft was l**ted on the hong kong stock exchange (stock code: 03888.hk). 2008 was the 20th anniversary of kingsoft. after twenty-year's struggles and development, kingsoft will continue to develop internationalization strategy based on technique. kingsoft people h**e never doubt their goal to become a world-class software provider.法定代表人:邹涛成立日期:2013-01-31注册资本:所属地区:北京市统一社会信用代码:911101080628108424经营状态:开业所属行业:科学研究和技术服务业公司类型:有限责任公司分公司(自然人投资或控股)人员规模:10000人以上企业地址:北京市海淀区小营西路33号4层4f02室经营范围:计算机软件的开发及技术服务。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后依批准的内容开展经营活动。) 20210311